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2023 Dragon Con Progress Report

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afrofuturism IN ACTionjoin THEculture oftomorrow.Vendor Hall2nd FloorBooth 2818

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Dragon Con Progress Report 2023 | Published by Dragon ConAll material, unless otherwise noted, is © 2023 Dragon Con, Inc. and may not be reproduced without permission. All other artwork is TM and © 2023 by respective owners. Dragon Con, 5044 Clark Howell Hwy, Atlanta, GA 30349Phone: 404-669-0773 (M–F 9:00 AM–5:00 PM)Cover © 2023 Dragon Con, Inc. Progress Report © 2023 Dragon Con. All Rights Reserved.Announcements ...........................................................................4 Badge Pickup Returns! .............................................................5 Guests .............................................................................................. 8Attending Professionals ................................................................ 15 Performers ................................................................................... 20 Vendors ........................................................................................ 25 Fan Tracks .................................................................................... 31Special Events & Contests ..................................................... 45 Art Show .................................................................................... 45 Art Show Anime District ......................................................... 46 Blood Drive ................................................................................47 Dragon Con Burlesque & Glamour Geek Revue .............47 Friday Night Costume Contest ............................................ 49 Georgia Philharmonic Orchestra ......................................... 49 Hallway Costume Contest ................................................... 49 The Late Night Puppet Slam ............................................... 49 Masquerade Costume Contest .......................................... 50 Night at the Aquarium ........................................................... 52 Page to Stage Costume Contest ........................................ 52 Star Wars Costume Contest ................................................. 54 The Ultimate Puppets Ninja Warrior ................................... 55 Parties ........................................................................................... 58Workshops ................................................................................... 59 Writers' Workshop with Jody Lynn Nye ............................. 59 Writer's Hourly Workshop ...................................................... 60 Swordplay and Stage Combat with Robert Chapin ........ 60 Voice Acting: Master Class .................................................... 61 Practical Self Defense with Keith R.A. Decandido .......... 62 Tai Chi Workshop with Erin Gray ......................................... 62 Shift Your Perspective; Experience the Difference with Lindsay Wagner ............ 62 Creature Fur Workshop with Russ Adams ........................ 63Gaming ......................................................................................... 64Convention Services ................................................................ 70 Disability Services .................................................................. 70Travel Information .....................................................................72 Hotels .........................................................................................72 Transportation ..........................................................................72Places to go, things to do, and people to see!GUESTSFAN TRACKSChoose your own adventure with one (or all) of our fan-run tracks.Moments you won’t want to miss and have to see for yourself!SPECIAL EVENTSLearn from the masters and pick up some new skills while you’re at it.WORKSHOPSGAMINGJoin gamers from across the Universe in our world of gaming.INSIDEAUG 31ST - SEPT 4TH - ATLANTA, GA - DRAGONCON.ORG

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4PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAannouncementsTo our #DragonConFam:It’s our favorite time of the year! Boy have these past several years brought some challenging times, but also some incredibly beautiful moments of resilience and pure unbridled joy with the best fans in the world. We’ve learned a lot and are beyond excited that the convention continues to get closer and closer to “normal,” though Dragon Con has never really been normal, but rather magical. Having the opportunity to experience a show sized much smaller than what we had grown to in 2019, we have made the decision to continue with an attendance cap increasing only slightly from our 2022 convention to allow a little room for everyone to move around and enjoy the show. As part of that overall attendance cap, we will have a very limited number of one-day memberships for all days of the show for purchase on August 1st at 10a EDT. Mark your calendars now; these will go fast, particularly the much sought after Saturday membership. Please note, due to the current state of COVID, there is no plan to institute protocols including a mask mandate. As always, we encourage everyone eligible to stay up to date with vaccines and boosters and a reminder that while we may not be requiring it, some folks do still feel more comfortable in a mask, especially those immunocompromised, so we want to be clear in our expectation that no one should be made to feel uncomfortable for their choice. In Dragon Con words - don’t be a jerk. Badge checks will continue to be in place across the show to support the capped attendance and spacing. If you don’t have a membership for Dragon Con, we ask that you participate in some of our awesome virtual elements via a streaming membership and/or following along our social channels, as the hotels will be closed to members only. Let’s address the elephant in the room…We understand that meeting and talking with the actors whose characters bring our favorite shows and movies to life is one of the many reasons fans come to Dragon Con. With the recent decision by the actors’ union, SAG-AFTRA, to declare a strike, a number of fans have asked what they can expect at Dragon Con this year. While we certainly hope that this story has a happy ending by Labor Day, in case it doesn’t, here’s what you need to know. You can still meet your favorite actors at Dragon Con, but things will be a little different.The first you will notice is here in the Progress Report and on our website. You will see that guests are identified with names only. Think of this as a little homework for you and a chance to learn more about the guests; get creative and build your own bios if you will. Guests who are members of SAG-AFTRA – which is almost all of the actors who come to Dragon Con – can participate in panels and you can ask them almost anything. We will ask them about their career, how they prepare for a new role, their favorite charities, Lennon or McCartney, and even some of the incredibly creative ideas you have provided on our socials. The thing they can’t talk about, however, are the shows or movies they have worked on and you will notice changes to our programming that are in support of this limitation. A lot of fans visit the Walk of Fame to get autographs and have a little one-on-one time with their favorite actors. Guests who are members of SAG-AFTRA can only provide generic headshots at their autograph table and nothing that shows them as the characters they play in shows or in movies. If you bring a favorite photo, either brought from home or purchased onsite from vendors outside of the guests themselves, or item from a struck property, let’s say your vintage Star Trek lunch box from 1972 (which is oddly specific), SAG-AFTRA has no objections but ultimately, it’s up to the guest to decide if they will sign it.As for photo-ops, nothing changes. Our actor guests can take photos with fans.For the latest updates and information, our official social media channels will report any changes or important announcements. Please follow our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to stay in touch.In the meantime, take a look through the pages

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5INFOFOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGof this booklet and see the great guests and events we have planned for our members so far. Just remember, any information here is subject to change as events and information continues to unfold.We continue to look forward with cautious optimism in hopes of making Dragon Con 2023 a fantastic event. We hope to see you there..IMPORTANT INFORMATION • The hotel formerly known as the Sheraton Atlanta has undergone a rebranding. Now the Courtland Grand Hotel, Trademarked by Wyndham will again host our registration, welcoming most everyone coming to Dragon Con. • Speaking of registration, please bring your QR code you receive during your membership purchase and a valid government-issued photo ID with you to registration. • Already have your Dragon Con 2023 membership, but can’t find the confirmation email? Or maybe you need to make sure your badge name is correct? We are here to help! Click here ( to have your confirmation email resent so you can have your handy dandy QR code ready for registration. • Click here ( to sign your waiver and make sure your badge name is correct so you can avoid unnecessary wait times onsite. If you are having any trouble, feel free to reach out to the office ( and we will be happy to help! • We take harassment very seriously at Dragon Con. Our goal is to be the most accepting convention in the world regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or planet of origin. There’s space for everyone to be who they want to be here in the Dragon Con community. We continue to focus on Rule #7: DON’T BE A JERK. For more information about our convention policies, please visit our website. • Shuttle buses will be available again this year, including the popular dedicated shuttle between the host only hotels. Additionally, we will have special shuttles available for the exclusive events. • Please note: Service dogs are welcome at Dragon Con, but emotional support animals and therapy animals are NOT permitted in Con space. Please see our policy.COURTLAND GRAND HOTEL  BADGE PICKUPHonestly, we have quit calling it Registration. We need to rename it to "Badge Pick Up" or "Badge Reclamation." Maybe even "Gimme My Badge?" "Badge Grabbing?" "Badge Gathering?"Why? Well, because, just like last year, you will not be able to pay for your membership at "Registration," aka "Badge Pick Up." All memberships must be purchased online via our membership provider: GrowTix. This includes single day and multiple-day memberships. Visit for more information.Please note that there is an attendance cap for Dragon Con for 2023. There will be a limited number of single day memberships for each day. They will go on sale before the convention and when they run out - no more will be added. If there are memberships available as we get to the convention, they'll be available for purchase - but online only.One more time: you will not be able to walk in to Registration, aka "Badge Pick Up," at the convention to purchase a membership. You MUST do it online. Sure, you can do it while you stand in line, or while waiting in Atlanta traffic (but not if you are driving of course), but the hard-working volunteers handing out badges will not be able to complete a purchase for you. They'll be busy scanning QR codes, verifying identification, and handing out badges to get you in and out as quickly as possible.Memberships can be picked up at Registration - which is really now just Badge Pick-Up - in the Courtland Grand Hotel on the very bottom level. It's at the corner of Courtland St. and Andrew Young International Blvd., one block south of the Marriott. Here's a Dragon Con footprint map to help you out.And the hours of operation:Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday/Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Monday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

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15FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGAttending Professionals • Stephen Adams • David Afsharirad • Jer Alford • Michael J. Allen • Quincy J. Allen • Ayla Almee • Cristina Amaya • J. A. Andrews • Stephen L. Antczak • Corey Applegate • Dr. April Armes • Davis Ashura • Emily Swan aSwanNamedEmily • Samantha Avila • Will Aymerich • Kevin Bachelder • Michael Bailey • Griffin Barber • Paul Barrett • Aretta Baumgartner • Davey Beauchamp • Leigh "The Talent" Bennett-Conner • Evan Bernstein • Jamie Bernstein • Kaitlin Bevis • J.D. Blackrose • Jennifer Blackstream • Bobby Blackwolf • R.J. Blain • Charles E. Blue • D.J. Bodden • Heather Boddy • Ian Boley • David Boop • Marco Bossow • Kurt Boutin • Jay Boyce • Jonathan P. Brazee • Marie Brennan • Bill Bridges • J. F. Brink • Bethany Brookshire • Andy Brown • Matthew J. Brown • Rhett Bruno • Bill Budington • Doug Burbey • Chesya Burke • Raychelle Burks • Tyra Burton • Darin M. Bush • James J. Butcher • D.J. Butler • Richard Lee Byers • Kevin Cafferty • Ryan Cahill • Jessica Cail • Jez Cajiao • Kirstyn Carlson • Kenneth G. Carpenter • Martha Carr • Raymond Daniel Carr • Alison Carrier • Corey Casteliano • Jaime Castle • Cathalson • Catieosaurus • Robert Chapin • Michael Chatfield • ChelseaBytes • Luke Chmilenko • Crystal Cleveland • Pamela Cole • Joshua Colwell • Ryan A. Consell • Harmon Cooper • Jason Cordova • Michael Andrew Corrie • Elemental Cosplay • Tom Cravens • Ryan Crissey • Katie Cross • Mike Crugnola • Stephanie Crugnola • Paul B. Currie • Joshua l. Cutchin • Robin Cutler • Ron Daniels • Veronica Dahshell • Caroline David • Milton Davis • Dean's Lyst • Ryan DeBruyn • Lali DeRosier • Matt Dinniman • Rita B. Levine • Kevin Dockery • Beth Dolgner • Cecilia Dominic • Elizabeth Donald • Jason Dorough • Addie Dove • Brian Duckwitz • Patrick Dugan • Jordan Duncan • Nicholas Eames • Marc Alan Edelheit • K.D. Edwards • Kevin Eldridge • Jessica Marie Eppstein • Richard J. Estep • Kacey Ezell • Jim Farmer • Brandon Richard Fibbs • Emily A. Finke • Rob Fitz • Tom Fleming • Dustin Fletcher • Sean Fletcher • Dr. John L. Flynn • Jackson Ford • Justin Lee Ford • Alicia Fox-Lenz • Barr Foxx • Anthony Francis • J. B. Garner

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16PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAPROS • Jenna Garrett • Rich Gatz • Tristan Gibbon • Clay Gilbert • Jennifer M. Gilley • Vandy Beth Glenn • Dwayne Goetzel • Thomas Gofton • Nicoli Gonnella • Emily Goodwin • John Goodwin • Craig Greathouse • Jennifer J. Greco • Andrew Greenberg • Jen L. Grey • Daniel Griffith • Darrell Z. Grizzle • Dr. Nicole Gugliucci • Dr. Bee H • Valerie Dawn Hampton • David Hankins • Henry Hanks • K.T. Hanna • Isabelle Hardesty • Marion G. Harmon • Thomas Harper • Scott Harris • Will Harris • Jeffrey H. Haskell • Laura Hayden • Drew Hayes • May Hemmer • Devan Henderson • Tony P. Henderson • Davjd K. Hendrinkson • Lucas Hernandez • HeWhoIsSteve • HeyGude • Robert Viktor Hill • Madaug Hishinuma • Chris Hofmann • Hans R. House • Jeff Hubbs • Christian Hubicki • John Hudgens • Storm Humbert • Walter Hunt • James A. Hunter • Topher Hunter • Chris Jackson • Kristin Jackson • Logan Jenkins • G. S. Jennsen • Bernadette Johnson • Howard Andrew Jones • Kel Kade • Charlie Kaufman • Kavura • Phillp D. Keating • Charles Kelso • Darin Kennedy • Kris Kersey • Bethany Kesler • Christina Nicole Kieffer • Roy Kilgard • Bethanne Kim • Sue Kisenwether • Jeffrey L. Kohanek • Dakota Krout • Shemer Kuznits • Caroline La Porta • Emily Stewart Lakdawalla • Steph LaMassa • Erika Lance • Jason Lane • Ed Larson • Dr. Law • Joseph Laycock • Greg Leatherman • Oriana Shani Leckert • K. N. Lee • Rob Levy • Philip Ligon • Jeffrey "Falcon" Logue • F.T. Lukens • Tara Lynne • Courtney Lytle • Megan Mackie • Robert Madison II • Terry Maggert • Josh Maltby • Lisa Manifold • Michael G. Manning • C. Mantis • Thomas Mariani • Anya Martin • Audrey Martin • Alex Matsuo • Morgan A. McLaughlin McFarland • Brett A. McGuire • Jean McGuire • Edward McKeown • Joseph Meany • Violette L. Meier • Jason R. Miller • Melissa Truth Miller • Savannah Miller • Stephanie Mirro • Bendy Mitchell • Jack Monkey • Christopher G. Moore • Casey Moores • Frank Morin • David Moscato • Bill Mulligan • Mark Muncy • Amy J. Murphy • Nayr • Ava Neal • James Nettles • Kenneth Newsom • L.H Nicole • Nicoolinn • Matt Nitchie • Bob Novella • Jay Novella • Stephen P. Novella • Bryce O'Conner • Corinne O'Flynn • Melissa F. Olson • Hansi Oppenheimer • Jon R. Osborne • Mark Oshiro • James Palmer • JM Paquette • Thomas Parham • Sean Patton • Jerold Peacock • Rae Pendergrass • Matthew Scott Penick • D.R. Perry • Gregory George Peters • David Petrie • Phoenecia • Shane Garrett Philip Pierce • Berta Platas' • Alex Platt • Noel Plaugher • Gary Poole • Alan J. Porter • Phillip Pournelle • Adam Pranica

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18PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAPROS • Joelle Presby • Stefan Price • Marx Pyle • Casssandra Quave • Ellie Rayne • Stephen W Ramsden • Rachel Rawlings • Tatiana Rice • Alison Sky Richards • Paulette Richards • Omisade Richardson • Gray Rinehart • Aaron Michael Ritchey • Eleni Rivera • Rob Roberts • William Joseph Roberts • Dennis Robinson • Mera Rose • Robert Ross • M.A. Rothman • Steve Ruskin • Bailey Sanchez • Hannah Sargeant • Tony Sarrecchia • Daniel Schinhofen • Anne Schlea • Shellie Schmals • Lydia Sherrer • R. Alan Siler • Tamsin L. Silver • Melissa Simpson • Alan Smale • Alex Smith • Ken Snaps • Spat • Janine K. Spendlove • Torrey Stenmark • Mike Jack Stoumbos • Shami A. Stovall • Brandon H Strauss • Ebony Warrior Studios • Kyle Mackenzie Sullivan • Kimbra Swain • Ray Tesi • The Tattooed Santa • Alain TheDungeonMeowster • Mandisa Thomas • Mel Todd • Steve Troop • Hayley Tsukayama • J.M. Tuffley • Brian Urbanek • Alexi Vandenberg • Daisy Viktoria • R.R. Virdi • VivSai • Constance G.J. Wagner • Benjamin Wallace • Henrik Warpefelt • Sean Weiland • Dave West • Garon Whited • Marie Whittaker • Emily Whitten • Brandon Whitworth • Jennifer Whitworth • Arras Wiedorn • Will Wight • Jonathan Williams • M.C. Williams • Michael Williams • Valerie Willis • Marisa Wolf • Tao Wong • Trisha J. Wooldridge • Vanessa Ionta Wright • Jessica Ann York • Celia Yost • Bryan Young • Mark Zoran

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20PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAPERFORMERSTHE ATLANTA RADIO THEATRE COMPANY The Atlanta Radio Theatre Company has been creating audio drama and comedy in the fields of science fiction, fantasy, horror, detectives, and a couple of Regency Romances since 1984. We have been performing live, on the radio, on podcasts, and on YouTube.BELLA'S BARTOKBella's Bartok a combination of freak folk/American/rock'n'roll with a dance-able, pop-laden backbeat. Self dubbed as "foot stomping freak folk", Live your fantasy and embrace the stranger side of life with Bella's Bartok!BLACK SUNSHINEDJ of all trades. Nairobi current, Atlanta-based, worldwide DJ known for rocking the party in any format! Touring DJ for Hotblack Desiato and Disaster Area. DANCE!. BLIBBERING HUMDINGERS Acoustic nerd rock for gamers, geeks, galactic guardians, browncoats, centaurs, and mandalorians; hobbits, elves, wizard gangsters, avengers, defenders, and black-belt hamsters; elder gods, small gods, fans of Tripod; Fremen, Atredies, Houses of the Landsraad; Hufflepuff sandwiches, pitches & snitches, and trans-inclusive feminist witches. Listen to the songs of our people.BROBDINGNAGIAN BARDS The Brobdingnagian Bards are back for a Dragon Con reunion! They take traditional Irish and Scottish folk songs, mix it up with Lord of the Rings music to create a unique brand of Celtic Filk.CRÜXSHADOWSOne of the most notable dark-wave bands internationally, The Crüxshadows\' motto is \"live, love, be, believe,\" and it serves as a reminder that while The Crüxshadows may write catchy songs, the band has depth that extends beyond the dance floor.THE CYBERTRONIC SPREE Take real life Transformers playing music from Transformers the Movie in true 80's metal style. Add in samplings from anime, genre and videogame crowd pleasers then combine with awesome original material for one unforgettable night of robot rock..DJ LIMIT BREAKDJ Limit Break is a Twitch Partner from Chicago, IL. He usually performs several nights a week at nightclubs within the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, but he\'s traveled all the way from Eorzea to spin live at Dragon Con this year! Bring your cactuars and get ready for a night full of upbeat pop, EDM, video game remixes and more! Be sure to check him out on Twitch. DJ SCAPEGOATPlaying an eclectic mix of rock, dance, punk, and more at rock clubs and convention parties all over the UK, DJ Scapegoat has been providing the tunes for Dragon Con\'s Bunny Hutch kickoff party since 2015.DUST BOWL FAERIESA faerie-tale fusion of dark cabaret, gothic polka and post-punk music, Dust Bowl Faeries is a dark-carnival band from the New York Hudson Valley. Accordion, singing saw, acoustic guitar, lap-steel, bass, and percussion combine to create the Dust Bowl Faeries otherworldly sound.FOOT POUND FORCEGet ready to be nerdy, get ready to rock, and get ready to laugh out loud. Better pay attention performers

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22PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAPERFORMERSthough, for there may be a quiz afterward from these rockin’ rocket scientists. Foot Pound Force, a band composed of more than its units.FRENCHY AND THE PUNKEclectic genre-bending New York Dark Alternative, Post-Punk Duo with French born singer and veteran punk rock guitarist. Sultry powerful vocals, live looped raucous guitar riffs, named top 25 duos in America by Yahoo Music. A rollicking two person powerhouse!GUITARMY OF ONEThe one-man Electro-Acoustic Spy Rock Surf Noir guitar instrumental act that is Frenchy and The Punk\'s own Rock N\' Roll Road Warrior, Scott Helland.HARLEQUIN'S SHADOWA mixture of rock, filk, and a whole lot of neurodivergence - one person, one guitar. When literature, music, and mayhem collide, Harlequin\'s Shadow is somewhere in the middle of it all.NATHANIEL JOHNSTONENathaniel Johnstone is a multi-instrumentalistsinger/songwriter who sings about humanity, myth and whimsy. His unique soundis inspired by metal, jazz, punk, folk, rock, and blues from all over theworld, resulting in music that transcends boundaries of genre or theme.LANDLOCH'D From the highlands of Scotland, and the Moor-infested plains of Spain, two men met upon the high seas and decided to share their love of Celtic and pirate music with the masses... Esteban Diego de Castille and Edward the RedBeard are LandLoch'd! (Oh, and Tilly too!)MASON MIKEY Mikey Mason (She Don’t Like Firefly, Best Game Ever) is a ball of contagious enthusiasm who sings about role-playing games, sci-fi, fantasy, cats, and being a geek. He’s been heard on nerdist, SyFy, TheFuMP, and Dr. Demento, and is a truly must-see event.NEMESISNemesis is a 20+ year veteran of smashing dance club floors in Boston, Atlanta, Tampa, Los Angeles, and a nine time Official Dragon Con performer. Catch this phenom performing 3 different sets of music: Thursday @ 8-Bit Bash, Friday @ Late Night Rave, and Saturday @ The Last Party on Alderaan! Check out for more.PALMETTO KNIGHTSThe Palmetto Knights is a historic steel combat team that brings all of their sword clashing and live fighting to center stage. These European weapon and armor experts will expand your mind with their wide array of panels and then blow your mind with intense combat tournaments.BETH PATTERSONBeth Patterson brings a smattering of original, filk, bawdy, and Celtic music to the table. Playing the eight-stringed Irish bouzouki, her show is full of humor and banter with the audience.TOM SMITH Tom Smith, award-winning songwriter and performer, does funny and serious songs in a wide range of genres, topics, and musical styles. Silly, serious, political, cultural, uplifting, filled with puns - you name it, Tom Smith will help you sing along with it.AURELIO VOLTAIREAurelio Voltaire is often described as a modern day renaissance man. He is a singer, performer, author, creator of comic books, films, animation, toys, and home decor.VALENTINE WOLFE A symphony of darkness, Valentine Wolfe performs music inspired by seances, 19th century gothic literature, macabre history, and death positivity. Combining the haunting soprano of Sarah Black and the bleak maelstrom of Braxton Ballew\'s solo double bass, they relentlessly follow their own muse, creating gothic metal and dark ambient soundscapes.WAKEFIRE Wakefire takes an unorthodox approach to the traditional. They are here to create a new sound to delight and surprise any who would hear. They tell stories and create sounds to move the heart and body with a combination of Celtic Rock, Slavic Punk, and Americana Pop. WASTED WINEWasted Wine is a 4 piece band that performs eclectic shows and festivals in the South-East. Their music is dark, theatrical, funny, and lively. Their songs frequently cover the esoteric, however their music is designed to get people moving. Think Golgol Bordello meets Nick Cave!

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25FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGvendorsDRAGON CON VENDOR HALLS:Our Shopping beats Diagon Alley or the Starcourt Mall!!The Dragon Con Vendor Halls are, by far, the finest shopping experience in the convention world! Our Vendors are second to none, coming to Atlanta with their most outstanding products and newest trends. Walking through the vendor halls you will feel the excitement all through the weekend. Open Friday – Sunday from 10am – 7pm, and our last day Monday 10am – 5pm, each and every vendor has something unique to offer. We have the largest amount of handcrafted shops as well as independent vendors in the convention world! AmericasMart building 2 is a short walk from the Hyatt or the Westin and is 4 floors of incredible must have items that can be anything from a single D20 Die to a gaming table that you didn’t know you needed. Products such as T-shirts, books, toys, puzzles, dice, comics, corsets, chainmail, light sabers, everything cosplay, weapons, and anime merchandise plus so much more can be found in our vendor halls. The 4th floor is dedicated to some of the best Comic and Pop artists in the world and floors 1-3 have almost 300 vendors that are ready to sell their wares to you all weekend long. In 2022 we introduced a couple of new things to the vendor halls!! Having great success with the app across the con we added the vendors hall to the app with signings, workshops and special guest appearances. Make sure to check the app in August for all the fun things that are going on in the AmericasMart Building 2! We introduced Workshops to the vendors hall last year and they were well received, fun, very exciting and very educational…. Yes, we know, we heard you… This year there will be a SEPARATE line to get into the AmericasMart building 2, to get to your workshop on time! Simply come to the front of the building with your workshop ticket in hand and you can enter up to ½ hour prior to the start time of your workshop. The workshops are on the 3rd floor so please allow at least 15-20 minutes to get into the building and get up to the workshop. This year there will be a couple of advanced sewing classes as well as beginning and intermediate ones. Glue gun classes as well as instructions, needlepoint, art classes and so much more!! Most of the workshops will have a small fee for the materials and make sure you sign up early because they will fill up fast! Keep an eye on social media for a list of classes, when and how to sign up and what workshops will be offered! In other news, Dragon Con unveils its new 2023 Exclusive Product lineup! There will be a handful of vendors who will be selling exclusive products that are only available in small quantities each day. A couple weeks before Labor Day Weekend, the selected vendors will be announced with the product that they are selling over Dragon Con’s social media platforms and then on each vendor's social media page. As you walk through the vendor halls, you will see signage letting you know which vendor has the exclusive. This exciting program will enable members to get fun products that are 2023 exclusive and will never be offered again!! These are all must have items and we are so excited to bring them to you this year over Labor Day Weekend. “Buy all the Things!” at our vendor halls!! We are so excited to bring you fabulous merchandise from so many awesome vendors! Check out our app, take one of our workshops or come do some early Christmas shopping! See you at the AmericasMart building 2!!

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26VENDORSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAEXHIBITORS, AMERICASMART  FIRST FLOOR • A Game Merch • Alkemie & Artistry • Anime Gift • Arda Wigs • Art by Scott Spillman • Art of Straya Obscura • Artemis Leather • Awl Father Wood Craft • Back to Earth Creations • Bigen/Hoyu America • Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab • Blade Daddy • Blonde Swan Hats • Brittnee Braun Designs • Case Ology • CDH Creations LLC • Chessex Manufacturing • Critical Hit Collectibles • Critical Hit Gaming Supplies, LLC • Diana Stein • Edgework Imports Inc • Elven Caravan • Esclair Studios • Fandom Metalworks • Figments and Fripperies • Fine Collectibles Protection, Frames, & Displays • Forged Foam • Galaxy Press • Geek Orthodox • Glitch Gaming Apparel • Got Kilt • Henry Cesneros • Holly Morningstar Art & Illustration • Honeck Sculpture • Horror Show Jack Productions • Imaginarium Galleries • Imperial Quartermaster • InterEtching • Untergalactice Trading Co • Jason Engle • Lolita Collective • Magical Fashions • Marlo's Comics and Art • Matthew J Levin • Multiverse T-Shirts • My Little Demon • New Age Discoveries • Night Phoenix Designs • Nightfall Forest/Sugar Lagoon • Nite Owl Workshop • NoFlutter Studio • Norse Foundry • Panakal Art Ltd • Pegasus Publishing • Pendragon Costumes • PixelThat • Pop's Socks • Queen of All Shadows • Ravenswood Leather • Rebel Base Comics & Toys • Reel Art • Resplendent Rogues • Ruth Thompson Fantasy Art • Shadows On The Wall • She-Jackal Arts • Silver Leaf Costumes • Steve Argyle Studios • • Surebonder • Tairen's Lair & Authors Lair • Talon Dunning • Tasty Peach Studios • Tentacle Kitty LLC • TG Comics 512 • The Dragon's Keep • The Dragon's Lair • The Missing Volume • The Wasteland Gaming • Titan Games & Comics • Triangle Cards & T-Shirts • Ukoala Bag Inc • Ultra Sabers • Uniglitter, LLC • Unique Unicorns • Volante Design, Inc • William Stout • WizyakuzaEXHIBITORS, AMERICASMART  SECOND FLOOR • Akiba HQ • Alien Entertainment/Doctor Who Store • Altruistic • Anime Place • Armoured Wolf Productions • Artoons • Artovision • Bard & Broad • BearWolf Books • Blade Daddy • Borderlands • Calou Calay • Cantina Comics & Cafe • Captured Curls • CCT Miami • Chelsea Quinn Yarbro/Big Megaphone Inc • Claude Raymond Design LLC • Closet Geek LLC • Content Play • Controller Chaos • Convention • Crafty Celts • Crazy Cat Collectables • Crazy Ed's Man Cave • Cross Country Collectibles • Cut/Sew Patternmaking • Darla Aksenova • Darwin and Wallace: A Nature & Fossill Store • Dbl Feature • Delicious Boutique • Dimension Decals • Drunken Dragon Hotel • East 2 West Edges • Echo-X Llc • Enso Rings • Fanboy Collectibles and Comics • Feather Wings by Uber Klo • Galaxy Props • Gamer Concepts • Gingee Girls Art • Haha Anime & Games

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27FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGVENDORS • Hatcore.Com • House of Anime • J & J Collectibles • J and J Enterprises • James Hill Studios Gallery • Jen Belak • Junior's Comic And Cards • Meg's Mashables • Midnight Fury Design LLC • Midnight Syndicate Soundtracks • Milton's Emporium • Minkywood Emporium • Moss Fete • Neon Culture • Nerds & Nomads • Nerdy Novelty Design • O Christmas Geek • Obsidian's Caldera • Oh, Jessa! • Otherworldly Alchemist • Outer Rim Toys/Out of the Toy Box Jewelry • Oz Wars Toys • Pawstar • Plantcycled • Plastic Empire • Poetic Earth Handmade Journals • Posh Geekery • Posters And Comics • Reliquarty Arcanum • RootisTabootus Illustrations LLC • Ruth Nore Designs • Sam Fiegal's Fateful Signs • Sarah Wilkinson Art • Scorched Design Co. • Shadow Alley Press • Sparke! • Spartamac Publishing, LLC • Starbase Atlanta • Steam Forged Studios • Steve Minty • Stl Ocarina • Studio de Sade • SuperVillain Comics, LLC • Surreal Makeup • Tea & Absinthe • TeeTurtle • The Colorful Geek • The Evergreen Burrow • The Fairy Stitch Factory • The Inner Geek • The Paisley Poppy • Trains of Thoughts Entertainment • Twilight Creations • Twisted Heroes • UCF Video Games • Unleash the Goddess • Vaugn Belak • Where The Gods Live • Wolfhome Adventure Outfitters • World of StrangeDEALERS, AMERICASMART  THIRD FLOOR • A Punch in The Art • All the Dwagons • Andrew Herman • Anime Remix • Arsenal Models • Art of Gabby Ramirez • Bad Ash Design • Bats In the Belfry Goods • Beautifully Dark Art By Deanna Davoli • Bek's Books, LLC • Body Color Cosmetics • Brick by Brick Design • Chris A. Jackson • Chubby Bunny Studios • Commissioned Credentials Llc • Crescent Creepers • Crimson Chain Leatherworks • Daniel French's Art and Leather • Discotek Media • Dream Kinz Studio • Evil Bunny Empire • Fairywood Grove • Fearless Readers • Forbidden Knowledge • Frederick's Forge • Furry Feline Creatives LLC • G.S. Jennsen • Geeky Girl Stitches • Grave Markings • Greenvine Glassworks • Hans Pins • Katie Cross • Kopes Kreations • Lady Gurumi - Crochet Art Studio • Lost Alien Collectibles • M. Lineham Art • Miniature Inspirations • My Dope Dolls • Not Cool Co • OneSmolHurt • Only Ducks LLC • Palmer Creations • Paper Bones • Planet Comics • Random Smash • Shiny Things • Sideboard Games and Collectibles • Southern Celebrations • Spandex Splinters • Stardust Strings • Stephanie Romano • Studio Pen Pen • • Sugar & Geek Candle Co • Sugar Lich • TMDCreations • The Art of Camila • The Dragon's Hoard Soaps • The Glassy Geek • The MacBath • The Stray Wolf • The Witchin Waifu • Three Sisters Co • Time Machine Collectivles • Whimsical Whiskers LLC • Wickedly Twisted Fun • With a Grain of Salt • Wyrd Armouries • Zanti Jewelry • Zombie Love Squad

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28VENDORSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GA • 2nd & Charles • Aethon Books • Arca Noctis • Art Afterlife Skeletons • Art of Will Pigg • Atlanta Sewing Center • Baby Rabiez • Bead Geekz • BG Artforms LLC • Boxwood Board Designs • Bricker Builds • BumbleFly~N~ButterBees • Carolina Game Tables • Catskill Mountain Moccasins • Chicagoland Games: Dice Dojo • Comic Concepts • CosyCat • Dr. Mike's Shaving Emporium • Drawing the Dragon- April Adams • Dryad Pottery/Dryad Tea • Edgework Imports Inc • Electrarelics • Emizart • Famore Cutlery/Specialty Product Sales • Fandom Laser by The 308 Collective • Fantasical Menagerie • FireChilde Glass Studio • Geekify • Geeky Endeavors • Graded Power • Graphic Audio • Harebrained Design • Henna Illuminata • Hero Within Store • Highlander Novelties • In My Parents Basement • IONOX Media • Japanime Games • Kaleidoscope Shop • Kitsch and Crossbones • Meloria • Nattie Black LLC • OOAKrafts • Pop N Toys • Popcycled Baubles • Precious Plunder • Press start Games New England • Pride Kitty - Like a Cat • Quiltoni • Retaitainers LLC • Retro Daddio • Rumble and Roar Wandmakers • Scrolling Fantasy • Shockwave and the Crone • Sidestreet Book Market • Snarkfish T-shirts • Sorensen's Precision Diceworks • Stitchwalker Leather • Super Sox Shop • Tangled Earth Arts • The Mana Pool Bazaar • The Truffle Cottage LLC • TOTO-O (Dinsky Doodles LLC) • Viciouskill • Wild Bill's Olde Fashioned Soda Pop Co.EXHIBITORS, AMERICASMART  THIRD FLOOR

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Extraordinary Scents for Extraordinary Peoplewww.BlackPhoenixAlchemyLab.comBLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB

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31FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGExtraordinary Scents for Extraordinary Peoplewww.BlackPhoenixAlchemyLab.comBLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LABALTERNATE & HISTORICAL FICTIONThe Alternate and Historical Fiction Track is the destination for all things bygone and never was. In addition to fan discussions of historical fiction shows and period pieces, panels on overlooked history, and deep dives into genre-specific topics, this year, there will be demonstrations, an etiquette class, and contests to participate in. Let's take a peek into what's on our dance card for 2023. It's time to say Goodbye to the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, but you can curl up with the Bridgerton and Outlander squads to determine who has the best Historical Romance, so come prepared. Strap on your cowboy boots and travel through the Wild West, weird and historical. Explore some historical cosplay how-tos and learn a few tricks and tips to pull together a historical look of your own. And Thursday night, dust off the Con History Books again. You'll be singing your hearts out all weekend long, racing teapots, and even competitively drinking tea!Don't think that the weekend won't end with a bang. The Temporal Formal will start with dance lessons as always, then transform into an evening of ballroom dancing. Then the tempo kicks up at midnight and so you can swing away the night. So break out your dance shoes and join us for an Old Hollywood Studio Era-themed evening.Join the track before the con on social media for a few pre-con surprises: on Facebook at, our Twitter handle at DCon_AltHistory, Instagram @dcon_althistory, and Youtube at @alternateandhistoricalfict4179AMERICAN SCIFI & FANTASY MEDIA There’s always something new on this track! It tends to have a primary focus on media content, on the big screen and the small one. As movie theaters struggle and current and impending strikes impact delivery dates, there still is so much content out there to be explored and digested, but don’t worry! There’s the usual spate of Marvel and DC films, with some being financial and critical successes, some not. Of course that’s not all though! Beyond the expected and amazing guest panels, there are so many more planned for AI portrayal in the Media, Messiah Complex, the Good and Bad of Fan Service, Failed Superheroes, and Treasure Hunters! There will be some farewells to series like CW’s Flash, Carnival Row, Gotham Knights, and Titans. Let’s not forget those deep dives on series like the Peripheral, The Power, and the new Quantum Leap! Oh boy, is it going to be great! You are cordially invited to start the con with our kick off event Geek Singalong on Thursday, a Name that Tune genre theme song challenge, Saturday evening, and the usual Sunday night Heroes, Villains and Humanity Charity game that always promises a lot of chaos! But for Charity, so it’s worth it. A new challenge for this year will be the creation of our own version of Rogers:the Musical, with a table read happening on Sunday afternoon that absolutely requires fan participation from the audience!AMERICAN SCIFI CLASSICS B One week every year, somewhere in the Marriott Marquis (scientifically speaking, rooms M103-105), geek life finds a way.American Sci-Fi Classics Track spares no expense to feature goofy game shows, deep dives, and silly showcases that venture into the archives of movie and TV awesomeness from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. The lack of humility before that amount of movies and TV staggers some, but Classics Track has evolved the panel discussion into Roll-A-Panel, a lightning round of discussions about 20 movies the track did not have time to do full panels for.This year is the 35th anniversary of the terrifying child-plunging Mac and Me, and Classics Track has to do something. How can they stand in the light of discovery and not act?fan tracks

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32PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GATRACKSJoin Classics Track to find the answers to the most pressing questions of the age: Could Nicolas Cage characters defeat John Travolta characters in a fight? What fictional band is the greatest fictional band of all time, and are you sure it’s Bill and Ted's Wyld Stallynz? Would any track really dare celebrate Krull AND Super Mario Bros? What about Mac and Me, are they still sure about that? What would happen if fans just yelled out names of sci-fi TV shows they like for an hour? Is Jurassic Park the most quotable movie, or is it just fun to use quotes from it in a Dragon Con progress report because we spared no expense? Welcome… to American Sci-Fi Classics Track. Hold on to your [gluteus maximus redacted due to advice from blood-sucking Classics Track lawyer Donald Gennaro].Join the clever girls (and everyone else) at Classics Track on YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify. The Animation Track welcomes fans, voice actors, industry professionals, artists, and creators of Western, American, and international animation and cartoons. This track covers animated storytelling that isn't Japanese anime, though there is often crossover, as with our Dragon Con Cosplay Contest and Cartoon Bebop Lounge, jointly hosted with the Anime/Manga Track. Details about the Cosplay Contest can be found in the Contests section of this Progress Report.Programming will highlight your favorite nostalgic comfort toons and dive into new shows that help us transcend reality! Besides fan discussions and guest Q&As, expect returning toon-tastic sing-along events, and networking opportunities.Highlighted guests of the Animation Track this year include voices and production talent from Disney, Cartoon Network, Netflix animation, and MORE! Remember to bring your cosplay, autographing pen, fan theories, and business cards to make connections through our love of cartoons, art, and the animation industry.ANIMEMANGA The Anime-Manga Track is dedicated to the enjoyment of art and animation produced in Japan, but loved worldwide. They are located in Hilton Galleria 4, and will feature panels and presentations that’ll highlight anime and manga both old and new. Throughout the weekend, the track room will also showcase a variety of fan-created Anime Music Videos for your viewing pleasure. Outside the track room, the track will be hosting panels that will feature guest appearances from some of your favorite English dub voice actors and directors. In partnership with the Animation Track, the team will host the ever-popular Cosplay Contest that celebrates the skill and hard work needed to bring animated characters to life. Details about the Cosplay Contest can be found in the Contests section of this Progress Report.APOCALYPSE RISINGWhether the world is ending, or you’re just trying to survive after it has, Apocalypse Rising is your one-stop shop for all things before, during, and after an apocalypse.Our Survival panels will prepare you for the worst with panels for every level of “prepper,” including even more panels than previously offered on what it means to be a contemporary homesteader and how neurodivergence can be a strength in a post-apocalyptic world. Our experts will also be taking an in depth look at topics like foraging, prepping for medical needs, and getting into HAM radio. Whether it be practical or theoretical, we'll have it covered!Our seasoned apocalyptic authors will also make you laugh and cry as they walk you through dystopian stories that have shaped literature and the roles of the Loner vs the Community in an apocalyptic landscape. And as we pivot from fact to fiction, the Friday night courtesy Zombie Makeovers and Zombie Prom will be back and wild enough to raise the dead! You can experience the annual hilarity of our Aliens vs Zombies panel and watch our “experts” debate which species would dominate in any number of wacky apocalyptic scenarios. Don’t forget your flasks!You can also look forward to lively fan discussions on such seasoned TV favorites as The Walking Dead - in all its variations - The Handmaid’s Tale, and Sweet Tooth, as well as newer hits such as The Last of Us. We'll also be taking a look back at our favorite shows of yesterday, such as chatting

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33FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGTRACKSwith the returning cast from one of our track cornerstones... The 100!So, whether you’re bugging in or out this year, be sure to check out our virtual panels airing on DCTV during Dragon Con! And always gear up and follow us on Instagram (@dconapocrising), Twitter (@ar_track_dc) and Facebook (Dragon Con Apocalypse Rising Track) for more updates!BRITTRACKThe BritTrack’s Mission Statement is to celebrate all Anglophiles, and our love for media/pop culture of the United Kingdom at Dragon Con. We host panels, a party, and interactive events on the UK's music, animation, culture, literature, comics, movies, and television. The list includes: Doctor Who universe, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Black Mirror, Agatha Christie, Queen, Duran Duran, Monty Python, Black Adder, Ted Lasso, Red Dwarf, James Bond, Taskmaster, Ghosts, Good Omens, Big Finish Audios, Neil Gaiman, and many other UK Topics.2023 features a celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who and the beginning of RTD’s second tenure as showrunner for Doctor Who, as well as the historic premiere of our first black Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa. We plan to host Doctor Who panels along with so much more! This year’s BritTrack programming also will celebrate the anniversaries of the band Queen (turning 50), Duran Duran turns 45, 40 years of Black Adder and 35 years of Red Dwarf. Felt Nerdy returns for two panels: their amazing DW-themed show, and a puppet-crafting-hour for our youngest fans (or young at heart!). All of your favorites are also returning, from the Pageant of Rassilon, Vogon Poetry Slam, the Monty Python Experience, Curse Like a Brit, and the Ministry of Silly Walks Silly Walk contest, to new classics such as the Royal Sing-A-Long (featuring Queen and Duran Duran), Team Trivia, and, surprisingly, Whose Line is it Anyway? This year we are also bringing back 2022 fan fave events/games such as Taskmaster, and The Weakest Link, and adding a few new panels/events such as a Screening of High Spirits for its 35th Anniversary, a chat on Royal Scandals, and Haunted British Folklore to name a few. Additionally, we will plan to pay tribute to the passing of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and the crowning of His Royal Highness King Charles III with panel trivia and more. Be on the lookout for a special tea event we hope to execute this year. Finally, of course, it wouldn’t be the BritTrack without the infamous Doctor Who Ball on Sunday night with our returning DJ. Black Sunshine! In continuation of last year’s addition to our in person panels, we will also have a selection of virtual panels. You can stream them on our YouTube channel and our Facebook Group The BritTrack at Dragon Con.Once again we are tentatively scheduled to be in Galleria 5 at the Hilton. In addition, we have a host of ways to get in touch with us via social media! You can join our Facebook group at where we chat about all things BritTrack throughout the year and over-the-course of the convention weekend. Our Facebook group is very active with 3,500+ members, and one of the first places to get new and up-to-date information. We are also on the hunt for fan panelists, so check out our post in our Facebook Group. Also, if you are a fan of Discord we are also a part of the Dragon Con Channel under #hilton > #brittrack-discuss. As always you can follow us on Twitter @brittrack and on Instagram @dcbrittrack for more fun times and silliness. Details and more at or on Facebook via The BritTrack @ Dragon Con.COSTUMINGWe are the original DIY of Dragon Con. Costuming Track is bringing back many old favorites as well as a few new surprises. First up are the Muscle Nerd Showdown and the Bunny Hutch Contest Thursday night to celebrate cosplayer fitness and creative bunny/Hef costumes, respectively. The Friday Night Costuming Contest, is returning to award the best designers and craftspersons. Saturday night – The Cults of Dragon Con is back!. From Marriott carpet print to googly eyes, ribbon collections to dancing dinos, and flaming speakers to FedEx boxes, etc. we award the most original costumes based on favorite Dragon Con cults.Everybody that is a fan of Costuming Track knows Freddy Clements. Saturday night we host a roast for the gentle professor to celebrate his retirement. Strut your amazing self on the catwalk at the Villain Vogue Fashion Show featuring crafty villainous couture for bad guys/gals, henchmen, and their nemeses Sunday afternoon. The Mad Makeup Mashup has been a huge success thus far so it will return Sunday night for the makeup enthusiast in us all.We are proud to present Dragon Con Bingo as

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34PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GATRACKSour fundraiser for CURE Childhood Cancer! Five dollars for one card, or ten for three, simply find great Dragon Con costumes and other geekery while marking them off on your bingo cards. Winners receive cool swag and all our gratitude.Let us not forget the hands-on workshops where select educators are finalizing amazing track workshops that provide an opportunity to learn a new skill for the low cost of materials reimbursement. We will announce those classes on Facebook in early July. Hey, we have not even mentioned the great exhibits, panels, meetups, and parties! More information and registration for the exhibit, fashion show, workshops, and all track contests is available on the website at MEDIAThe Digital Media Track at Dragon Con is an ever-growing and evolving phenomenon, captivating audiences in 2023! This vibrant community wholeheartedly supports creators, providing them with resources to unleash their unbridled creativity and share their visionary works. Prepare for an exhilarating experience as this year's event unfolds across two expansive rooms and livestreams. Fans and aspiring creators will converge to witness the magic of their beloved shows come alive, engaging in captivating round-table discussions and immersive workshops facilitated by the field's most accomplished visionaries.Get ready for an unparalleled extravaganza starting with the inaugural "Wednesdays are a DRAG-oncon party!" Thursday bursts onto the scene with an adrenaline-fueled Princess Bride tabletop interactive playthrough, "Dragon Con Comedy for a Cause" - a hilarious charity fundraiser, and an exciting live play of Jackbox games featuring beloved creators. And that's just the beginning! Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring lineup of mind-blowing content throughout Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, showcased in the captivating Hilton Galleria 6 and Hilton Galleria 7, all streaming live.For more information, make sure to tune in to our thrilling Twitch channels: Galleria 6 at and Galleria 7 at Stay up to date by following us on Twitter at and subscribe to our captivating YouTube channel at Prepare to be swept away by the digital media revolution at Dragon Con 2023!DIVERSITY IN SPECULATIVE FICTION & LITERATURE FANDOM TRACK Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the limitless realms of fandom at Dragon Con! Our Diversity in Speculative Fiction & Literature Track is back, even more, thrilling and inclusive than ever. We bring together a cosmic blend of voices, uniting perspectives, identities, and viewpoints from all corners of our vibrant fandom. Last year was phenomenal, but this year we're taking it to the next level! Prepare to see the stars of previous years and brace yourselves for electrifying new talents adding spice to our eclectic line-up. We're setting the stage for an immersive experience that celebrates every individual's uniqueness. Join us in our brand-new, larger venue at the Hyatt Room Hanover A&B and let the magic unfold. This space includes important and interrelated dimensions of human identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, nationality, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and age. This is where forward-thinking individuals can come together and share their fan experiences through animation, art, books, comics, cosplay, games, movies, and more! So, come share your geek experiences, encourage one another, and have fun! Together, let's have

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36PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GATRACKSanother fantastic Dragon Con! Oh, and there is cake!Stay connected with our Facebook group for all the tantalizing updates. ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FORUMSConcerned about security, privacy, and your rights online? So are we! Originally inspired by the "Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference", Electronic Frontiers Forums at Dragon Con covers legal and societal issues and civil liberties, both online and anywhere technology is present. We examine the intersection of technology, law, activism, and society, and how they fit within the framework of a democratic society. We endeavor to bring together the best minds in law, technology, and advocacy to map out our shared future, while highlighting the risks and promises of technological progress. Major themes for 2023 will include the advance of artificial intelligence, policing and technology solutionism, and continued threats to our security. Topics we plan to cover this year include civil forfeiture reform, the role of private police foundations, ChatGPT, accessibility in virtual worlds for persons with disabilities, killer robots for the police, ransomware attacks on small businesses, federation and social media, right to repair, and many others. Returning favorites include Hacking101 and 201, Webcomics, and Copyright101. For more information, please follow us on Facebook at or visit our archive website with schedules, audio, and video from past years at FANTASY LITERATUREThe Fantasy Literature Track invites you on an epic interactive journey through Dragon Con. The formula for an epic Dragon Con is simple: On Thursday night, we dress them up. On Friday night, we throw them a party. On Saturday night, we take them on a date, and then on Sunday, we spice things up.On Thursday night, we hope you will join us as we dress up for the Page to Stage Costume Contest; a unique literary themed international contest with two divisions. The Open Division invites cosplayers and costumers to bring beloved characters from literary works to life on stage through costume construction and 30 second stage presentations. The Invitational Division brings 20 of the best costumers in the world together in a one-of-a-kind challenge to create a character selected from literary works chosen by the Character Selection Committee. Visit for more details.On Friday Night, join the party as we invite you to mingle at the Fantasy Gather! This ultimate book party brings authors and fans together to talk about books and find new literary treasures to take home and enjoy. You never know who you will meet as there are so many authors that there isn’t even enough room in the app to list them all!After partying the night away at the Fantasy Gather, Saturday will be no less tame! Join us for the very popular Delphic Oracle and plan to explore the boundaries (or lack thereof) of Fantasy Literature. At 10pm, let the games begin as our authors bring their characters to life in the Fantasy Dating Game. Will they find a true match in a character from another universe? Will true love blossom or other sundry events occur? This Late-Night Mature panel will keep you in stitches. For those who want to continue the adventure into the wee hours of the morning on Sunday, we also offer our Late- Night Game and Charity Color.If you think that Sunday would be more tame, we have a surprise for you! Sunday begins as Pun-Day with “Take Thee to the Punnery” where we will take you to the altar of laughter as our panelists punticifcate on this literary tool. We cap off the evening with our spiciest and sauciest content available, the ever-popular Boinking Beasties! This is a panel for mature audiences only. See you in Fantasy Literature, the place to be for characters that dress up, party, meet up, date, and… well, you get the idea!

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37FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGTRACKSFILK MUSICFrom its humble beginnings as a misprint of "Folk," the controversy continues into the present as to the exact definition of filk music. Here at Dragon Con, we like to say that everything is filk! The Filk Music track is the music of fandom, whether it is a parody song about Firefly, a geeky sea shanty about your favorite Witcher character (and why it's Jaskier), or an original piece about Marvel vs. DC Comics. We are the music by fans for fans, and we would love for you to join in with us, whether you want to sing with us (Open Filk), learn about making fandom music (workshops and panels), or listen to your favorite filk music artists (concerts). If you are looking for fandom music of all stripes, we have something for you!FILM TRACKThe Film Track focuses on panels for film-lovers, filmmakers, and those who’d like to be filmmakers. We’ll have instructional panels covering directing, producing, F/X, cinematography, editing, sound, makeup, and distribution. We’ll also look at the tech side of the business, covering cameras, storage, conversion, and much more; with tips you can use on your next film project. If that isn’t enough for you, we’ll also be focusing on careers in film where we’ll take a deep dive into what it means to actually work on film sets and all that life entails. Film theory peeps, we haven’t forgotten about you. We’ll have panels on film history, film theory, and discussions on everything “wrong” in the world of film and how we can make it better. Plus, our famed cult film panels will return—be part of the discussion as we take the gloves off and dive into the twisted side of cinema.HIGH FANTASYThe High Fantasy track at Dragon Con is your home for classic stories such as The Lord of Rings, the Chronicles of Narnia, and the Wheel of Time. We also include newer favorites such as Game of Thrones, Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere, and The Witcher. We also like to dig deep into the mythological roots of High Fantasy and how it inspires the stories we love. We are excited that the second season of Wheel of Time will be debuting during Dragon Con. We will host a no spoilers speculation and preview panel early in the weekend and a full spoiler reaction panel later. We also plan some great discussions focused on the themes and characters of Robert Jordan’s novels. The first seasons of Rings of Power and House of the Dragon are complete. We plan in depth discussions on both series and their source material. The Witcher has also released a new season, the final starring Henry Cavill. But we aren’t just TV shows! We are planning panels regarding Arthuriana, Discworld’s 40th anniversary, East Asian inspired High Fantasy, and the influences of William Shakespeare and Oxford University on the genre. We are also hosting our beloved “Evening at Bree” party with dancing, music and more, “Hobbit Drinking Songs” and new this year a High Fantasy themed dance party.HORROR TRACKPrepare yourself for a bone-chilling experience as the Horror Track unveils an array of terrifying topics and eerie events. Uncover the sinister allure of folk horror, immerse yourself in the unfathomable horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and get entangled in spine-chilling ghost stories that will haunt your dreams. Delve into the blood-soaked world of vampires and discover the captivating allure of goth culture.This year we will commemorate the momentous 50th anniversary of The Exorcist, the iconic film that continues to possess our nightmares. In addition, we’ll pay homage to the legendary Evil Dead series, which has carved its place in horror history.We’ll also present the darkly enchanting second year of the Horror Track's Open Casket party. Dance the night away to the haunting melodies of classic and contemporary gothic rock.From haunting tales to heart-stopping discussions, Dragon Con's Horror Track promises an unforgettable and pulse-pounding journey into the depths of your darkest fears.The Horror Track is proudly sponsored by Netherworld Haunted House.KIDS TRACKKids Track returns in 2023 with more family friendly and kid-centered programming for all ages. Kids Track annual events return, including the family fort building contest, spooky story contest, the character encounter, and back for 2023…the Kids Track dance! Young Dragon Con attendees will learn how to be panelists, and discuss their favorite media in our Kids Talk series.

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38PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GATRACKSActivities for all age ranges include a family playroom, drawing tutorials, arts and crafts, family trivia, and writing activities and workshops. Later in the evening, check out our parent-centered panels discussing difficult and timely topics facing everyone raising the next generation of fandom. All children under 16 must be accompanied by a guardian, and all children seven years and older must have a Dragon Con badge to attend.MILTARY SCIFI MEDIA The Military SciFi Media Track (MSFM) is launching its 8th mission of military sci-fi, fun, and fandom at Dragon Con in 2023! We aim for the best in character, costuming, storyline, and social issue discussions from a variety of military sci-fi and space shows: Andromeda, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Farscape, Firefly, Space: Above and Beyond, Space: 1999, Stargate, Starship Troopers, Personal Space, Space Force, The Orville, Pandora, Moonbase 8, Halo (the TV Show), and now, The Ark. Suit up and roll out with MSFM!Returning events this year include an interactive MST3K-style episode panel, the lowkey chillfest that is the annual Onesie Mixer, and for younger recruits, there is a games and crafts panel for some family-appropriate competition and fun. MSFM also believes in mixing duty and entertainment to do good deeds for a good time for all! The Firefly party charity event is the Can’t Stop the Signal Dance, the MSFM Team Trivia night raises money while testing geek/nerd knowledge, and the MSFM main charity event is the annual Don S. Davis Memorial Charity Auction, all to benefit CURE Childhood Cancer! For more information on these and other events and panels before the show, the MSFM Track can be found on Twitter under @MSFMTrack and on Facebook at our page, Join the MSFM fandom conversation in our Facebook group, where you can get the latest track updates and share your feedback! Chat with us here: SciFi Media at Dragon Con: So Say We AllPUPPETRY TRACKPuppetry requires 3 elements. A puppet, a puppeteer to animate it, and an audience to witness it. It doesn't work without YOU, the audience! The Puppetry Track celebrates puppetry in pop culture and brings the magic of live puppetry to con-goers! Puppeteers from TV, Film, and the stage will share their experiences and talents. See live puppet shows for both children and adults. Bring your own puppets for special “puppets only” events including The Magic Puppet Tea Party and Puppet Karaoke! Get one-on-one instruction from professional puppeteers. See if you have what it takes to compete in the Ultimate Puppet Ninja Warrior challenge! Kids can make their very own dragon puppet in the Create-A-Puppet Workshop. Dragon Con fan favorites Bob and Carl: The Sci-Fi Janitors will host the biggest puppet slam in the world, The Late Night Puppet Slam, jam packed with geeky puppet insanity and surprise guests! PUPPET SHOW!

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39FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGTRACKSROBOTICS AND MAKERSThe Robotics and Maker Fan Track is dedicated to exploring all aspects of robotics and the maker movement. We hold informative panels, workshops, and competitions designed to feed your interest and increase knowledge on the practice and application of creativity and engineering. Our focus is on creative pursuits of both technical and artisan types.Our goal is fueling ingenuity to be used in bringing new ideas to the world. The Robotics and Maker Fan Track is your stop for all things created when skills meet imagination. This year we hope to bring you experiences that inspire projects of your own. We are bringing back the knitting and crochet workshop, with a group project added. We are partnering again with a FIRST team to give you an in-person robot building experience. We will discuss vintage electronics, drones, weathering and distressing techniques, resins/casting/composites, and have fighting robots for your enjoyment!SCIENCEIf you're in the market for some science, check out the Science Track. slaps roof of track This bad boy can fit so much science in it. It's got the latest explanations of how artificial intelligences like ChatGPT work, a discussion of what it would take to build a spaceship as an ark to save humanity, and why necromancy is a bad idea, scientifically speaking. Oh, that Institutional Review Board in the back, the one determining whether scientific experiments in the DCEU should be performed? We're throwing that in for free.Kids? This baby's perfect for kids! There's a hands-on science event for the young-uns and an entire event about biomimicry where they can come up with their own ideas for machines that mimic how animals move. It's good for adults, too, what with the Solve for X science variety show, a science-themed drag show, and Science vs Movies, where science communicators have to explain how the science in Transformers is good, actually.The Science Track's owned by a sweet little old dragon who only drove it on Labor Day weekend. It's been completely cleaned of the cordyceps fungus, so no worries about whether or not The Last of Us is scientifically plausible. Need more time to think about it? No rush, no rush. We're at if you've got questions.SCIFI LITERATUREWelcome back to the Dragon Con SciFi Literature track, where we will once again be holding a SciFi Jeopardy tournament with prizes of books for the winners. We will decide by brackets on the best starship of all time in our Starship Smackdown. We talk about books with the creators and how those creators do it. We explore the careers of giants of the field like Samuel Delany. SF literature includes several sub-genres and we will discuss many. LitRPG, military scifi, and others. Our track is a place to meet new and old friends, discover writers you may not know, and gain knowledge on a variety of subjects pertaining to science fiction. We encourage audience participation in our panels and a sense of community. Among panels this year we are doing a focus on the works of Samuel Delany, Gender Roles of Pern, and Torn Between Cultures: Writing Characters Who Straddle Two Worlds. We will also offer a workshop by James Nettles about genre mapping – deciding what genre your work fits into.We hope to see you there. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite author.SILK ROADThe Silk Road Track explores film, dance, and culture from the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Subcontinent to the Pacific Ocean - everything found along the Ancient Silk Road. If you're into Godzilla, origami, martial arts, K-Pop, and more, the Silk Road Track IS your destination. And be sure to check out their talented attendees in the Silk Road Performance Exposition!SKEPTICSThe Dragon Con Skeptic Track hits 2023 once again celebrating the world of critical thought, the examination of extraordinary claims, and the

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40PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GATRACKSpromotion of good science over the vast array of supernatural and paranormal claims. We offer live entertainment, topical discussion panels, and talks for science lovers, freethinkers, and skeptics who come each year to keep the flame of critical thought alive during Dragon Con. Keep an eye out for news on the track website, and follow us on Twitter @SkepTrack, or visit our Facebook page,[For all these years Space Track's motto has been 'We Bring the Universe to YOU!', While we admit there is much more to our universe then we know, the 'experts' had at least given us a time frame for our universe. WELLLLLL - that time frame might be in jeopardy! The AMAZING James Webb Space Telescope could have proof that our universe might be a lot older than that 13.7 billion years that we've come to believe to be true; or more accurately, many of our beliefs on how the universe began and aged needs a new framework! What are the ancient galaxies discovered by JWST really telling us about the age of our universe?Besides age, we'll have a truly fascinating discussion of 'homochirality' of all the molecules of life & how it relates to our cosmic origins. (your dictionaries await you!)It's been such a busy year in so many aspects of not just the universe, but our own solar system. Remember the talks we couldn't have on Artemis last year? Well, we will this year! The Moon is once again of great interest to us Earthlings. Things are still really busy on all things Mars, and we are again pushing our outlook to many things related to our gas & ice giant planets. Also, the James Webb Space Telescope has been everything we hoped it would be… and MORE! The Space Track will delve into as much of it as we can fit into our weekend!Perhaps you’re dreaming of getting involved in the space community. Our experts will talk about the many different ways you can - even if you can't/won't have a degree in space science!As always, we encourage all of Con to join us daily for our Solar Astronomy to check out our incredibly active Sun. If you're a night owl, don't forget our Live Astronomy each night (weather cooperating). If you're just getting into astronomy or need some help, join us on Thursday evening as we bring back our 'Backyard Astronomy Workshop'. Finally, we encourage you to tune into Dragon Con's streaming channel and learn about the 2024 Solar Eclipse.As always, We Bring the Universe to YOU!

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GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! 1280 PEACHTREE ST NE // ATLANTA, GA 30309The iconic Stephen King thriller, theatrically adapted as a riveting opera.SEP 15–OCT 1Co-production with THE ATLANTA OPERA Composer PAUL MORAVEC Librettist MARK CAMPBELL Stage Direction by BRIAN STAUFENBIEL Winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for Drama A heartfelt and humorous look at how identity gets lost in translation.By SANAZ TOOSSI Directed by SHADI GHAHERIAUG 16–SEP 17This radical reimagining of Charles Dickens’s classic tale of the French Revolution forces us to ask: am I who I am because of my actions or the circumstances of my birth? FEB 21–MAR 1720242024Book by CHARLES DICKENSAdapted byBRENDAN PELSUEDirected byLEORA MORRIS25% OFF TICKETS* when you buy by March 17, 2024 with promo code*25% o tickets to any performance of The Shining, English and A Tale of Two Cities. Limit 4 tickets per order. Oer expires March 17, 2024.

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42PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GATRACKSSTAR WARSWe’ve been “on program,” or rather working hard on programming this year, and we cannot wait to “yub nub” (celebrate) with you! There’s only “one way out,” but why would you want out?! Star Wars is for everyone and it’s a great time to be a fan! 2023 is the 40th Anniversary of Return of the Jedi, and by Dragon Con, we will have an episode or 2 of Ahsoka to discuss. Of course we’ll be talking about Bad Batch & Rebels, maybe Cal Kestis and Jedi: Survivor, & looking ahead at Andor and The Acolyte. Bathing in the Living Waters is not required for our discussion on The Mandalorian and speculating on where Grogu…excuse us…Sir Din Grogu, Mandalorian apprentice and The Mandos will go from here. We also have all of the new content from The High Republic, new books and comics to discuss, and we will be chatting with some incredible guests, authors, and artists. It’s not a trap…your favorites will still be here like The Last Party on Alderaan, our fan reading of William Shakespeare’s Star Wars(taking it back to the beginning), and Daniel’s insanely difficult trivia contest. Can’t make it in person? We’ll have a virtual panel on DCTV, but we keep the conversation going year round in our Facebook group, or on Twitter/Instagram @SWatDC. “Fly casual,” and we will see you in August!STAR TREKThe Dragon Con Trek Track for 2023 is shaping up to be another bold intergalactic adventure! No explanation is needed for this legendary Track, but here's a brief on the mind-blowing lineup of events in the transporter queue this year.We launch on Thursday with "Encounter at Galleria 2/3" where you can mingle with other “Trekkies” and take in the iconic art and decorations of our Track room. Continuing on the main mission is our "Away Team Photo Scavenger Hunt", where you can pick up your directives to win some great prizes. Later we'll be diving into stimulating debate with "The Trial of Captain Benjamin Sisko” and you'll help us decide which episode is the Best of the Worst at "The Star Trek Salamander Awards"!We're also bringing back fan-favorite events like the "Infinite Riker Games" competition, the hilarious "Captain's Log" Star Trek Improv Show, out-of-this-world Star Trek Puppet Shows (one for kids and one for adults!) with "Felt Nerdy", and the glorious and glamorous Fourteenth Annual "Miss Star Trek Universe Pageant"!Did someone say GLORY? We've got two nights of "Klingon Karaoke" where you can send your vocal cords to Sto-vo-kor for the honor of your House! And don't forget the annual "Ten Forward Party" where you'll have so much fun you'll think you work at Starbase 80! Just watch out for those Pyrithian bats.We're excited to make Dragon Con Trek Track 2023 an extraordinary experience that will warp you to the stars and beyond!Meet fellow fans and follow Track updates on our Facebook group at FANTASYThe Urban Fantasy track is pleased to announce the return of two of our popular special events: Spooky Tales and Haunted Music, both on Friday night; with the reading of ghost stories with accompanied musical underplaying by Valentine Wolfe, followed by a short concert; and two showings of the live action Buffy Horror Picture Show.For those of you present on Thursday night, we will host a Rachel Caine Memorial panel]l discussing her wide range of works, and our inal Supernatural Showdown installment, where the audience decides which panelist makes their case for which of seasons 11-15 is the best, having covered Seasons 1-10 in prior installments.Our literary programming will feature over fifty authors on panels covering topics such as the Fae, Dark Academia, the Trouble with Magic, non-Western folklore and mythology, ghosts, psychics, vampires, reluctant heroes and heroines, and humanity’s protectors.In addition to our book/literary programming, we will host fan panel discussions over the television shows we cover on the track, ranging from longtime favorites Buffy and Supernatural, to the popular Ghosts (US version), new shows Wednesday, School Spirits, and Wolf Pack, and the long-awaited return of Good Omens and Ragnarok.Watch for updates on our Facebook page, and we hope to see you at Dragon Con!VIDEO GAMINGDragon Con Video Gaming is back for another year of panels, parties, and pedantic perspicacity. From Coin-ops to Black Ops, if it has pixels, we have panels.

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43FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGTRACKSMany of your favorite events will be returning this year and panels highlighting both fan-driven content as well as information on the making of video games. Special guests include voice actors from many of the most popular video games including Fallout 4, Mass Effect, World of Warcraft, Diablo, and more!The Video Gaming Track is pleased to announce more panels on Augmented and Virtual Reality gaming, eSports, as well as more content covering retro video gaming including coin-op arcade games as well as games on vintage computer hardware such as the Apple II.WRITER'S TRACKDoes the hallway look darker than usual? OMG! There’s someone lurking behind that pillar. Should you wait? Should you hurry past? Should you run? There’s a smell in the air, excitement? Anxiety? That person—or thing—is still there! You gnaw on your lower lip and glance around. Where is everybody? What was that you heard? Finally. There’s another person. Walk with them. Don’t look around. Wait! Is that blood on that guy’s shirt? That woman is pale and pasty looking. Blood is drizzling down her chin. God, look at her teeth! Her canines are longer than a . . . longer than . . . than a wolf’s. There are others, just like them.Try to look like you fit in. Saunter casually through the archway into Embassy. You hesitate at the first door on the right and suck in a deep breath. You’ve arrived! Welcome to Writers’ Track.You’re safely in the audience during a panel composed of all New York Times Bestselling authors! More people come in and join you while you wait. As you look at the schedule, you realize this is a great line-up of panels. Something for everybody. There are craft panels, genre specific panels, promo and PR panels. And, much more. Beginning on Thursday evening and going through Monday afternoon, there are so many things to do. How do you conjure up memorable villains? Where is the market headed? What is Kickstarter and how can it help me?Writers’ Track is dedicated to helping Dragon Con attendee writers reach their goals. Do you want to be published? Are you thinking of self-publishing? You have questions? We have answers.XTRACKIn the vast realm of mysteries that lie beyond our understanding, the X-Track aims to be a beacon of exploration and investigation. Originally inspired by the television show The X-Files and later absorbing the Paranormal Track, X-Track has expanded our horizons to encompass all things enigmatic and unexplained! We’ll be dissecting the intriguing plotlines of shows such as La Brea and The Envoys. Prepare to bid farewell to the beloved characters of Roswell, New Mexico as we dive into the final season. And of course, Stranger Things will also have a place at the table! But our fascination with the unexplained goes beyond the realm of television. Through a diverse range of panel discussions, captivating presentations, and enthralling guest speakers, we explore UFO sightings, legendary creatures, paranormal investigations, psychic phenomena, and other facets of the paranormal. For a first-hand experience, you can discover what the cards hold for you during one of our tarot reading sessions, where you can connect with skilled readers who will unveil the symbolism and messages within the cards. If spine-tingling tales of the supernatural are is just dying to talk about! Don’t fret, there will be plenty of time to talk about old favorites like Project Blue Book, Manifest, and of course The X-Files. Other topics that will be covered include local cryptids, paranormal investigations, and all of your favorite conspiracy theories! Returning this year is the 80’s Prom Dance Party and the ever popular tarot readings! Your feedback has been heard and incorporated, and the tarot readings will have a new and improved sign up process! For track updates and info follow them on Facebook located at YOUNG ADULT LITERATUREWhether you’re a regular at the Young Adult Literature Track or you’re joining us for the first time, you’ll find something to get excited about! Discussions of your favorite books - from Hunger Games and Harry Potter to Shadowhunters and Children of Blood and Bone, and everything in between. They also have a great line-up of authors ready to discuss topics like writing craft and fandom and their books recommendations are epic - including the popular LGBTQ+ YA panel. Tons of TV shows based on YA books to discuss, and as always they will have some magical events for you to look forward to, including the Yule Ball! Join them all weekend for amazing author guests and great discussion - the team can’t wait to talk books with you!

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45FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORG80'S PROM DANCE PARTYGet ready to rock those leg warmers, tease your hair to new heights, and break out your bestmoves because we’re bringing back the totally tubular 80’s Prom Dance Party! Be truly outrageous with us on Dragon Con’s opening night Thursday August 31 from 8PM - Midnight! THE 8BIT BASHThe Dragon Con Video Gaming track is proud to present The 8-Bit Ball, featuring music from the golden age of video games (or, as most people would call it, the 70's and 80's). Featuring DJ NemesisThe 8-Bit Ball will be on Thursday night in the Westin (as if you needed another reason to come to Dragon Con a day early!).ART SHOW“Extraordinary talent, Best artists in the ‘Verse”This year’s Art Show promises to be amazing and worth your time to check out. Maintaining the integrity of an actual art show with incredible gallery walls, you can walk through the Grand Hall West in the Hyatt and it will be like no other experience you will have. There is no better feeling than a piece of art touching your soul when you see it. Artists from all parts of the known galaxy come to Atlanta over Labor Day Weekend to showcase their best work, chat about the art world, and even give some guidance when asked by other creatives. The Dragon Con Art Show is one of the best events to experience the actual artistry depicted in tabletop games and book cover illustrations, from both industry giants and rising stars. Original artwork is showcased throughout the hall, and every artist is onsite to talk about their work and the art world. With the cultural merging of artists into the vending world across the country’s other conventions, Dragon Con has kept this exclusive area dedicated to fine art from artists providing every member the best possible fine art experience. The Art Show has grown and evolved over the years; however, it has always maintained the integrity and spirit that is so important to all fans of Dragon Con. Each artist is juried and carefully selected from hundreds of applications. Our wonderful team of volunteers are always present to answer questions, and help in any way they can; our programming is outstanding in its content and uniqueness, and our artists bring their A-game every year! In 2022 we welcomed some very talented anime artists in our new Anime District! As with anything at Dragon Con, we hit the ground running, jurying in about a dozen anime artists and this year will add even more to this breakout area. Picking from 100’s of applicants, you will be able to view, chat, and shop from these incredible anime artists that are coming from all parts of the universe. The art auction is always one of our favorite events and all proceeds go towards the Dragon Con Charity. Each of our artists that wish to participate, are asked to decorate a unique item for this auction, which is of course a one-of-a-kind piece that can’t be found anywhere else in the galaxy. In years’ past we have had treasures like bird houses, plates, and keepsake boxes. Additionally, a 4-part canvas is auctioned that each events & contests

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46EVENTSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAartist is encouraged to draw, paint, or color on throughout the weekend. The charity auction is held on Monday and is something you don’t want to miss! Seriously, the art here is EVERYTHING!!We introduced a children’s sketchbook in the Art Show in 2021 and it continues to be very successful! While supplies last, your child can pick up a sketchbook at the information table in the Art Show or Comic and Pop Artist Alley and find artists to sign their book! Always great fun for children, as well as getting them engaged into their first steps within the art world. As always, art is subjective so you might want to check it out prior to bringing smaller children.Be sure to check the website for a complete list of artists who have been invited for 2023. Our 2023 Artist Guest of Honor is Julie Bell and this is your chance to come meet her, get her to sign a favorite creation, buy a new piece, or just look at her astounding work. Joining Julie Bell will be all the dozens of fabulous artists that are calling Atlanta “home” for Labor Day Weekend. We almost guarantee that you are going to find a special piece of art that you didn’t even know you’ve been looking for, or run across a new artist whose artwork just speaks to you. The Dragon Con Art Show holds its own type of excitement with dozens of hours of outstanding panels,a walkthrough gallery, and an effervescent atmosphere that makes you feel like you are home. Come check out our new Anime District, browse the gallery, chat with an artist or two… or even take a fun workshop!! Head down to the Grand Hall West of the Hyatt to feel the dynamic energy when you enter the room, go to a panel, or have a one-on-one discussion with an artist you just met, or have known for years. Welcome home!!ART SHOW ANIME DISTRICT“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”Located in the Grand Hall West, the newest addition to the Art Show is the Anime District. In 2022 we welcomed some of the finest group of anime artists from all over the galaxy. No need to travel all the way to the Akihabara district of Tokyo, as we are bringing a taste of modern Japanese pop culture to you! Last year we introduced our fans to a brand-new area of the Art Show dedicated to otaku art culture. Mirroring the Art Show operating hours and showcasing why there is a meteoric rise in western interests in anime, brand new artists to Dragon Con are ready to welcome every fan. From gorgeous depictions of sakura blossoms and onsens, to quirks and the slayer corps on the ready…we promise, there’s something for everyone! The Anime District will be working with the Anime Track that is located in the Hilton, to bring you fabulous programming all about and everything art related; a first in Anime Track history! Last year’s success introducing the Anime District to the wonderful art show only encouraged us further and this year we are adding a few more tables to the area to make it just a little bit bigger and welcoming a couple more anime artists. It does not matter if you are a die-hard anime fan or have never seen a piece of anime artwork; The anime artists that juried in this year are the best of the best. Dragon Con is always looking to improve, grow and expand whenever possible. We saw a need for this unique type of art and artist and made an area within the art show just for them! This year the Art Show would like to welcome some of the best anime artists in the world to spend Labor Day Weekend with us in the Grand Hall at the Hyatt.AUTHOR SIGNINGSEach year, Dragon Con assembles many of its willing guests for scheduled autographs (signings) in one area. Not every guest is willing – or able – to sign items, but we do inquire as to each guest’s willingness to do so.Some guests, usually screen media guests, charge for autographs in our Walk of Fame, but autographs staged in our Autograph Area are always free. Limitations on number and type of items may be made, generally at the request of the signer, and sometimes due to time considerations. Prices are also determined by the signer.Autographs will be handled on a first-come, first-signed basis. We promote equal access for all attendees, but the first-come, first-served rule prevails and all members will get their autographs in order of their arrival.**NEW for 2023** Join our amazing Dragon Con authors in our new home in the Westin Overlook. We will have that whole area for a ton of scheduled

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47EVENTSFOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGsignings and events, including a meet and greet with this year’s Dragon Award nominees! We are also very excited to be coordinating efforts with some of the literary tracks so that we are able to offer Signing Showcases, which will feature several author guests from a specific track at once, making it even easier to find your old favorites and meet your new ones at the same time!AUTOGRAPH SESSIONSEach year, Dragon Con assembles many of its willing guests for scheduled autographs (signings) in one area. Not every guest is willing – or able – to sign items, but they do inquire as to each guest’s willingness to do so.Some guests, usually screen media guests, charge for autographs in our Walk of Fame, but autographs staged in our Autograph Area are always free. Limitations on number and type of items may be made, generally at the request of the signer, and sometimes due to time considerations.Autographs will be handled on a first-come, first-signed basis. They will promote equal access for handicapped persons, but this does not exclude them from the first-come, first-served rule; as with other convention attendees, they will get their autograph in order of their arrival.BLOOD DRIVEt Give the gift of life and donate blood at the Dragon Con Blood Drive. For LifeSouth, which serves more than 40 hospitals in the Atlanta area and more than 110 hospitals in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, Dragon Con is a major donation venue.In 2023, the Blood Drive will be held at the Hyatt on the Conference Room level. Don’t miss out this year! All appointments will be by appointment only. Visit their website ( for more information. Join them, give blood, get a free T-shirt!BUNNY HUTCHStart your Con with an Ode to the mash-up at the Bunny Hutch Costume Contest. Put your best spin on the classic Bunny or Hef at this contest where creativity, process, originality, and construction are considered. Appropriate for all skill levels; non-traditional costumes are encouraged.Contest registration is August 1st - 25th. Sixty qualified entrants (21 or older) will be selected. Full rules, categories, and application link will be posted on social media August 1st.DRAGON CON BURLESQUE: A GLAMOUR GEEK REVUEBe sure to mark this on your must-do list for the weekend, because it's just dang fun! Last year made 10 years of Dragon Con Burlesque for Talloolah Love but now she’s handed over the reins to her right hand man and stage manager. The internationally known burlesque dancer and producer May Hemmer is so excited to continue on this legacy and she is proud to introduce some of the finest performers and artists that this country has to offer. This show is just dripping with the most glamorous geeks you can possibly imagine! The infamous Cocoa Barbie from New Orleans, May Hemmer, shall be your mistress of nerdery at the fabulous Courtland Grand Atlanta hotel! To find out show details, “teasers,” and more, like the Facebook page ( Auditions for this show have closed, but are held annually in February through the above mentioned Facebook page.CELEBRITY PHOTO OPPORTUNITIESDragon Con is pleased to be able to offer the opportunity for attendees to be photographed with some of their favorite media guests! Epic Photo Ops will be handling these photo sessions throughout the weekend. Check the website at for more details as they become available in the near futureCHARITY EVENTSFor 2023, Dragon Con will be raising money to support and bring awareness to CURE Childhood Cancer. CURE is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding

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48EVENTSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAtargeted research while supporting patients and their families. Learn more at After surpassing last year's match for Open Hand, Dragon Con has upped the match to $125,000!We run several auctions (from Silent stylings to Live audience) over the course of the entire Dragon Con weekend. If you have items you'd like to donate to any of the Auctions, our Charity Booth is open every day of the convention; always accepting your treasured donations. The Dragon Con Hustle Virtual Run returns for its 3rd year! Sign-ups will be available about a month before the show, so look to early August for more announcements. The Coloring Book volume 3 will be available at our Charity Booth, allowing many coloring events throughout the weekend; especially at our famed Coloring for Charity nights. Every evening of Dragon Con we offer a space away from the crowds in a room with chairs to sit in, ambient chill music to listen to; with crayons & colored pencils for all fans to use. New for this year, we will have available at our Charity Booth a number of mystery grab bags of Autographed Photos! For a reasonable donation you will get an envelope with an unknown selection of signed photos from guests from years past. And, for even more exciting changes…the Dragon Con app is now adding a CHARITY tag to make it easier to find all events benefiting CURE!For more on Charity Events, and to keep up with the latest news and info, feel free to follow us on Instagram ( and Facebook ( & POP ARTWith over 200 illustrators, painters, and writers in attendance, Comic and Pop Artist Alley offers an eclectic array of creators from comics, animation, pop surrealism, lowbrow, and art toy design. Attendees have the opportunity to meet their favorite creators, get autographs, purchase comics and art, and attend fan panels over the course of four fantastic days. We're also offering several "how to draw" workshops for both kids and adults and featuring live painting in Artist Alley. Once again, we are excited to provide a complimentary Kids Sketchbook, available in Comic and Pop Artist Alley, that kids can take to participating artists for free sketches. Dragon Con Comics and Pop Art returns to the AmericasMart in 2023, conveniently located in building 2 on the 4th floor in close proximity to the hundreds of exciting vendors in the Dragon Con Vendor Hall. The CAPAA guest list is full of a wealth of amazing guests, including: Tini Howard, Matt Kindt, Emma Kubert, Ed Brisson, Sweeney Boo, Jae Lee, Chandra Free, Sam de la Rosa, Michael Cho, Claudia Gray, Cullen Bunn, Tim Doyle, Mike Krome, Mark Russell, Sam Maggs, Andy Belanger, Sway, David Mack, Phil Hester, Ande Parks, Christian Waggoner, Chrissie Zullo, Chris Uminga, Jim Zub, Jonboy Meyers, Ant Lucia, Sal Valluto, and many more!The Atlanta Area Art Collectors will be back again this year with another amazing display of original art! Make sure you swing by and check it out. We're looking forward to spending Labor Day weekend enjoying the best that Comics and Pop Art has to offer with all of you. CONCOURSE STAGEFor over 20 years the Dragon Con Concourse Stage has been the place to hear live music from fan favorite indie artists! Featuring an eclectic mix of acts performing across the musical spectrum, the Concourse Stage has something for everyone; whether you're into rock, folk, gaming tunes, Filk, Celtic, or any mix of genres. We've returned to our flagship Hyatt Regency Stage outside the Art Show for this year. We'll welcome over a dozen performers across twenty-six shows beginning at 1pm on Friday, and running nonstop until just before midnight each night through Monday when the show ends Labor Day afternoon. You'll still have plenty of time to get to late-night programming, so don’t fret. In addition to the Hyatt Stage, we're continuing our Concourse Stage Presents series of performances in the Hyatt International Ballroom North on Saturday and Sunday, so be sure to check your Dragon Con App for those showtimes!COSPLAY PHOTOGRAPHYWe are proud to again partner with Bryan Humphrey (Mad Scientist with a Camera) to offer cosplay photo ops throughout the show to capture all of those special costumes. Even if you don't know his name, chances are you have seen the work of photographer Bryan Humphrey. He has been a staple at conventions for many years and his costuming photos have become some of the most iconic and well known in the hobby.

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49EVENTSFOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGThrough the use of top-of-the-line professional equipment, dramatic lighting, and years of experience shooting costumers, Bryan's work at cons is often unparalleled in quality and scope. Bryan will be set up on the Marquis level of the Marriott Marquis (one level below lobby) from:12n – 12a (with a break from 6p – 730p) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and 12n – 4p on Monday. Visit the website ( for details on pricing and availability.DRAGON CON COSTUMING BINGOLike bingo? What about scavenger hunts? Do both with our wacky mashup of these two games! Simply find items until you get five in a row to win unique, cool swag. All proceeds go to this year’s charity: CURE Childhood Cancer. Going on all weekend until Monday at noon. Stop by Costuming Track to buy your bingo cards and play while you enjoy your con.CULTS OF CONIt’s a costuming contest with a twist, we pay tribute and adulation to the many Dragon Con cults we've seen in this one wacky evening of clever costuming. Whether it's Marriott carpet attire, dancing T-Rexs, googlie eyes galore, collections of badge ribbons, an homage to Fed Ex, flaming speakers, legionnaires, potatoes, … this is the stage to ham-up your unique cult costume.Contest registrations are open to all ages and skill levels and begin at 5:30 pm. The show starts at 7:00 pm. See the Dragon Con App for locations.FRIDAY NIGHT COSTUMING CONTESTDo you have a costume that you made from the ground up? In the Friday Night Costuming Contest (FNCC) entrants compete in Youth, Novice, Journeyman, and Professional Class categories in this costume contest focused on workmanship. Cheer on your favorites & vote for your Social Media Fan Favorite on Facebook. will be looking at the costume itself, the workmanship, design, and inspiration. This will be open to groups and individuals, experts and novices, and costumes from mainstream or self-creative. All judges are costuming professionals with extreme costume backgrounds.Be sure to come to see a spectacle of hand made wonder from every skill level and genre.Online pre-registration is now open! Please note that pre-registration is required to participate in this costume contest.For more information and to pre-register, please visit us at: PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA PRESENTS:A special musical experience! Hear live symphonic versions of some of your favorite scores from iconic film and TV shows.For the eighth year, Georgia Philharmonic presents a musical night of beloved genre favorites. A perfect concert for kids of all ages, including adults! We feature magnificent scores from some of the best-known movies, TV, and video games everyone will know.HALLWAY COSTUME CONTESTContest staff will be taking pictures of folks who have great costumes but might be too shy to get up on stage for the Masquerade. Photos will be taken and then displayed at the Contest Registration table in front of the Centennial Ballroom IV in the Hyatt. Your correct name and badge number are needed in order to enter the contest. In addition, you may purchase a digital copy of your official entry picture for $10 – with the proceeds going to the Dragon Con charity of the year, Cure Childhood Cancer.On Sunday morning, contestant photos will be displayed on monitors near the Contest Registration table in the Hyatt in front of Centennial Ballroom for voting to take place. The voting takes place on the Dragon Con

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50EVENTSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAMasquerade Facebook page (, where the photos with the most likes on Sunday until 3 p.m. are the winners! Winners will be announced at the Masquerade on Sunday evening.THE HEROES AND VILLAINS BALLThe biggest and baddest party at Dragon Con returns!In previous years, we've had celebrity appearances, Dancing Deadpools, Lightsaber Limbo, and Wil Wheaton's Walk of Shame. Costumes welcome, but not required. The doors open at 10PM on Saturday night, Westin Peachtree Ballroom.THE LATE NIGHT PUPPET SLAMDragon Con’s very own puppet ambassadors, Bob & Carl: The Sci-Fi Janitors, present a variety show of adult geeky puppet acts from the Guests and Pros of the Puppetry Track! Will Bob & Carl be able to keep the show clean or will they have to sweep up one dirty puppet show after another? Don’t miss the hilarity, humor, and jaw-dropping puppetry that has made this one of the most popular events at Dragon Con! PUPPET SHOW! 18+LIVE PERFORMANCES & DJSWe will again offer late-night DJed dances Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings, beginning after the last concert and lasting until dawn, so you vampires can dance until the sun comes up!Traditional SF convention filk-singing will take place on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings, during late-night hours. Filking will begin at midnight and will continue to the light of day.MAD MAKEUP MAKEOVERMakeup artists compete in this “against the clock” challenge! Contestants show off mad skills using only the ridiculous makeup assortment we provide to create a unique, often hilarious, look that is sure to wow. Arrive early to be one of our selected competitors. Models will be selected at random from our audience.MASQUERADE COSTUME CONTESTIn the grand tradition of convention costuming, dating back nearly five decades in Science Fiction fandom, Dragon Con is proud to present the largest Masquerade Costume Contest in the Southeast and one of the largest in the world! The 2023 Dragon Con Masquerade Costume Contest will be held in the Hyatt Centennial Ballroom. Registration for the Masquerade will be available until Sunday at 3 p.m. by completing the online registration form ( This form will require you to agree to abide by the rules of the Masquerade, so please make sure you have read them before you register. You can also get help registering during the Con at the Contest Registration table located outside the Centennial Ballroom IV in the Hyatt on Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Even if you have pre-registered, please remember that you must stop by the Contest Registration table to let us know you are here and to receive your backstage pass and instructions.MISS REDACTED UNIVERSE PAGEANTWe are excited to have the 14th Annual Miss [Redacted] Universe in the Grand Ballroom of the Courtland Grand Atlanta. This popular event has celebrity judges and is hosted Garrett Wang. All persons interested in being a contestant should email our pageant director Lucy at EVENT"OH, POOPIE!: 25 YEARS (+2) OF MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 THE MOVIE" - MST3K Night is back and this time... it's war! We have uncovered "top secret" film reels that were buried deep in the ruins of the Gizmonic Institute and we are bringing them to Dragon Con 2023 in celebration of the 25th-ish anniversary of MST3K: THE MOVIE. Experience the making of their first (and only) theatrical motion picture like NEVER BEFORE! Hosted by documentary filmmaker Daniel Griffith (founder of Ballyhoo Motion

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51EVENTSFOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGPictures). First 50 patrons get free *POOPIE (*not actual poop).

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52EVENTSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GADRAGON CON NEWBIES TOURThe Dragon Con Newbies community is the first stop for first-time con attendees and veteran congoers alike. It is a place where attendees can offer and receive advice, share resources, and pass along information to make the Dragon Con experience the best it can be for everyone.The group organizes guided walking and rolling tours of the convention on Thursday afternoon and they host Q&A panels on Thursday evening and Friday morning. They run a Facebook group year round to help fans walk the Dragon Con path from finding a hotel room to advice on getting a seat for that fan favorite celebrity panel and much, much more. They also promote the convention in fan channels throughout the year.Here’s a segment with DCTV, from last year’s tours: information about Dragon Con Newbies group and their events can be found on their webpage at and in their Facebook group at (Just remember to answer those membership questions when you request to join just to prove that you're not part of SkyNet.)NIGHT AT THE AQUARIUMIt’s baaaccccck! Channel your inner fantasy and join us for the return of Dragon Con Night at Georgia Aquarium. Here, you can experience exclusive after-hours views of the Aquarium galleries, with ambient music and food and drinks available for purchase with a General Admission ticket. Don’t miss this mystical and magical experience as you journey through 11 million gallons of wondrous water. We can’t wait to see your creativity in all things Dragon Con on this special night. Purchase ( your tickets before they sell out!DRAGON CON OPENING NIGHT: YEAR OF THE DRAGONWelcome back Dragon Con fans!!! Once again, everybody’s favorite time of year is no longer approaching…it’s here!!! There’s no more time to get your cosplay finalized, just make it work!!! Every year after Opening Ceremonies we celebrate the Year of the Dragon, allowing us to reconnect after a year of rest and rejuvenation. The personality traits of people born in the Year of the Dragon are known to be Charismatic, Intelligent, Confident, Powerful, and they are all naturally Lucky and Gifted. Well, if that doesn't describe our Dragon Con fans every year, then we don’t know what does! So come show off your far east best… and just plain show out… at the first party of the year, ummm we mean…weekend!PAGE TO STAGE COSTUME CONTESTThe International costume contest sensationz returns to Dragon Con! 2 divisions of costumers have worked tireless to prepare a costume exhibition that will blow your mind.Our Invitational Division are 20 of the top international competitors from around the world and have been working hard for months to craft gorgeous costumes and performances for you.The Open Division registration is now open online at Competitors may register as Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced divisions in this construction and presentation division. Entries are open until the division is full. Register early and don't be left out! Any costume that can trace a source or recreation to a literary work (manga, plays, classic literature, science fiction, fantasy, etc) is permitted.Join our emcees Terry Maggert, Marisa Wolf, and "Hillbilly" William Joseph Roberts as they take you down a rabbit hole of fun, fashion cosplay, and literature in this one-of-a-kind show on Thursday Night at 8:30pm in the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Regency V - VI ballroom, You won't want to miss this evening of literature and cosplay at its finest See you at the show!THE PALMETTO KNIGHTS TOURNAMENSThe Palmetto Knights (501 3-c), the Southeast’s premier medieval combat sports association, is thrilled to be returning for their 9th year to Dragon

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53EVENTSFOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGCon in Atlanta GA on September 2nd, for the event’s celebrated Dragon Cup Tournament! The Palmetto Knights, open to all genders, leverage their expertise in historic battle effectiveness of tactics and weaponry, focusing on research applied in tandem with vigorous training, to bring the public the experience of foot combat from the Renaissance and Middle Ages. These competitions are unlike any other, drawing from practical application of scholarly martial studies to engage in non-choreographed competitions throughout the tournament. In all categories (Duels, Groupfights, Profights), it is full contact no holding back with each competitor giving their all and trusting their armor to keep them safe for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!! These competitions will have several internationally and nationally ranked gold medalist champions competing along with members from the number 1 team in the USA, Knyaz USA. The Dragon’s Cup will have multiple teams, including the Dallas Mythics, NYC Sentinels, the Knights of Wakanda, Steel Coven, Atlanta's very own Vanguard, and many others from around the country. Additionally the Palmetto Knights will be hosting various panels which will provide the opportunity for discussion and education based on their shared real world equipment and combat insights. Be sure to check out their schedule for the various panels and tournaments. For more information on the Palmetto Knights and their upcoming events, visit their website ( CON'S PINUPS BY THE POOL May Hemmer and her bevy of bathing beauties bring to you a poolside treat! Music, gorgeous ladies, and fun is what’s to be had at the poolside party as it returns for its tenth year to The Fabulous Courtland Grand (formerly the Sheraton Atlanta) Hotel. Be sure to don your best poolside pinup attire as there will be a pin-up competition! Your mistress of Ceremonies will be the incomparable Phoebe Nyx, and May Hemmer will be there with her Burlesque Bombshells from Saturday night’s gorgeous Glamour Geek Revue. And for this special year, we are honored to be graced by the one and only Merman Andrew (! Applications for the pinup competition are held 30 minutes before the party poolside. All of its fabulous prizes will be announced at in August.Reading SessionsOffering readings by authors from their own works (and usually some discussion with the audience afterward), our past readers have included Kevin J. Anderson, David B. Coe, Keith R.A. DeCandio, Charles E. Gannon, Gail Z. Martin, Cat Rambo, Allen M. Steele, S.M. Stirling, and Tracy Hickman. Check the schedule closer to the convention for the latest on who will be reading for you this year.ROBOT BATTLES™Robot Battles™ is the second-oldest robotic combat competition in the world, and just keeps getting bigger and better. For over thirty years, Robot Battles™ has made Dragon Con home and is proud to be back again this year, featuring two days of action-packed competition in four different weight classes. For rules and more details on being a part of Robot Battles™, visit their website ( and follow them on Facebook ( If you love mechanical mayhem combined with the thrill of an ancient Roman spectacle (without the bloodshed, of course), this is the one robotic event of the year you do NOT want to miss!SHERRILYN KENYON'S READER AND FAN APPRECIATION PARTYCome join Sherrilyn Kenyon and some of your favorite fantasy, horror, and SF authors as they celebrate you, the readers. There will be dancing, giveaways and a chance to meet and greet new and bestselling authors who write in the genres you love. Thursday night in the Westin Savannah B-C Ballroom. Sherrilyn kenyon's reader (and fan) appreciation partySINGALONG: 35 YEARS OF PHANTOM OF THE OPERAIt's been 35 years since we first heard the music of the night, but The Phantom is a beloved show and a permanent part of the theater world. Sing

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54EVENTSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAtogether a selection of the most popular songs before the Phantom takes flight.SPECTRUM: THE RAINBOW FLAG PARTYCome out in your hero's finest (whatever that looks like to you). Our party DJ starts you off with club versions of your favorite Sci Fi tunes and quickly progresses to house music for an unforgettable evening of LGBTQQIP2SAA frivolity. So bring a friend, grab some drinks, and dance your hero butts off until 2:00 AM.*For the latest news and to meet other Spectrum Party goers visit our Facebook Group at*Costume not required. You must be 18+ to party, 21+ to drink, have a valid state-issued photo ID, and have a Dragon Con badge to enter.SPLENDID TEAPOT RACEBring your own teapot racer or just come and enjoy this kid-friendly action as steampunk builders race remote control cars carrying teapots around an obstacle course for fun and prizes. Official rules can be found at dragon-con-splendid-teapot-race.mailchimpsites.comSTAR WARS COSTUME CONTESTNew Star Wars means lots of new options for costuming. We’re still waiting for the perfect Grogu, though we have seen some amazing Din Djarins. Have an Ahsoka you want to show off? Or an amazing costume from The High Republic? Ready to take on the galaxy far, far away in your best Star Wars cosplay? It doesn’t have to be new Canon, we love to see costumes from the original trilogy, the cartoons, Legends…maybe even the Holiday Special. Want to participate? You must attend 1 pre-judging session Friday or Saturday (in person, in costume, no photographs). The app will have the finalized pre-judging times. Just want to witness the amazing costumes? Be sure to attend the finals on Sunday (time TBD). Check the app for the latest updates.TEMPORAL FORMAL: STUDIO ERAStep back in time to the glamorous era of Hollywood's golden age. Show off your finest Retro Hollywood attire and dance the night away to classic ballroom numbers. This year, the party won't stop swinging as we shift from a ballroom dance into a West coast swing party, and dance throughout the night.2022 Practice Session before the big event!E MUSCLE NERDZ SHOWDOWNWhen the worlds of fitness and cosplay collide you get a Dragon Con showdown like no other! The Muscle Nerd Showdown is a bodybuilding-meets-cosplay competition. This is a body-positive experience that promotes physical fitness and healthy living in the cosplay community. Participants spend a lot of time and effort working on their bodies to enhance their cosplay. Here, we seek to celebrate those efforts!Contestants are judged on their physique, costume, and presentation. From He-Man to Zangief, and from Lara Croft to Wonder Woman, watch as muscle nerds “flex” their creative (and actual) muscle for the chance to win the top prize. Prejudging starts at 4pm in the Marietta Room and finals are at 7pm in the International Ballroom, both in the Hyatt. Visit the website ( to register.Our guest posers for 2023, flexing for the men's and women's divisions are IFBB bodybuilders "Nasty" Nate Spear and Abbie Eisner. New this year is a partners division where the best duet posers win. And we happen to have guest posers for the couples too: IFBB Classic Physique Pro Brian Martinez and nationally ranked NPC Figure competitor Allison Maldonado.

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55EVENTSFOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGTWISTED TOONZAre you ready to attend the one event at the con that everyone will be talking about next week, not only those of you who are there, but people all over the world? Then you do NOT want to miss the famous “live movie read” featuring the biggest voice acting superstars in the galaxy! With millions of hits on YouTube and rave reviews internationally, this is the event that will kick Atlanta in the A**!! You haven’t lived until you’ve heard Winnie the Pooh as Darth Vader, Christopher Walken as Harry Potter, or Pinky & the Brain as Frodo and Sam! This event will be packed, so get there early and strap yourself in! It’s time to experience your favorite movies in a brand new, completely hysterical and utterly TWISTED way! Be prepared, you may never be the same again!THE ULTIMATE PUPPETS NINJA WARRIORPUPPETS! CARDBOARD! ACTION! Do you have the skills, determination, and teamwork to guide a puppet with two teammates across a treacherous cardboard obstacle course for glory?! Our panel of professional puppeteer judges will score each team. Sign up to participate and get trained by professional puppeteers during Ultimate Puppet Ninja Warrior Basic Training on Friday. The winning teams will be invited to face off in the Finals on Sunday. Who will become the 2023 Ultimate Puppet Ninja Warriors?!VENDOR HALLSOur Shopping beats Diagon Alley or the Starcourt Mall!!The Dragon Con Vendor Halls are, by far, the finest shopping experience in the convention world! Our Vendors are second to none, coming to Atlanta with their most outstanding products and newest trends. Walking through the vendor halls you will feel the excitement all through the weekend. Open Friday – Sunday from 10am – 7pm, and our last day Monday 10am – 5pm, each and every vendor has something unique to offer. We have the largest amount of handcrafted shops as well as independent vendors in the convention world! AmericasMart building 2 is a short walk from the Hyatt or the Westin and is 4 floors of incredible must have items that can be anything from a single D20 Die to a gaming table that you didn’t know you needed. Products such as T-shirts, books, toys, puzzles, dice, comics, corsets, chainmail, light sabers, everything cosplay, weapons, and anime merchandise plus so much more can be found in our vendor halls. The 4th floor is dedicated to some of the best Comic and Pop artists in the world and floors 1-3 have almost 300 vendors that are ready to sell their wares to you all weekend long. In 2022 we introduced a couple of new things to the vendor halls!! Having great success with the app across the con we added the vendors hall to the app with signings, workshops and special guest appearances. Make sure to check the app in August for all the fun things that are going on in the AmericasMart Building 2! We introduced Workshops to the vendors hall last year and they were well received, fun, very exciting and very educational…. Yes, we know, we heard you… This year there will be a SEPARATE line to get into the AmericasMart building 2, to get to your workshop on time! Simply come to the front of the building with your workshop ticket in hand and you can enter up to ½ hour prior to the start time of your workshop. The workshops are on the 3rd floor so please allow at least 15-20 minutes to get into the building and get up to the

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56EVENTSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAworkshop. This year there will be a couple of advanced sewing classes as well as beginning and intermediate ones. Glue gun classes as well as instructions, needlepoint, art classes and so much more!! Most of the workshops will have a small fee for the materials and make sure you sign up early because they will fill up fast! Keep an eye on social media for a list of classes, when and how to sign up and what workshops will be offered! In other news, Dragon Con unveils its new 2023 Exclusive Product lineup! There will be a handful of vendors who will be selling exclusive products that are only available in small quantities each day. A couple weeks before Labor Day Weekend, the selected vendors will be announced with the product that they are selling over Dragon Con’s social media platforms and then on each vendor's social media page. As you walk through the vendor halls, you will see signage letting you know which vendor has the exclusive. This exciting program will enable members to get fun products that are 2023 exclusive and will never be offered again!! These are all must have items and we are so excited to bring them to you this year over Labor Day Weekend. “Buy all the Things!” at our vendor halls!! We are so excited to bring you fabulous merchandise from so many awesome vendors! Check out our app, take one of our workshops or come do some early Christmas shopping! See you at the AmericasMart building 2!! MAIN VIDEO ROOMWelcome, fellow enthusiasts, to Dragon Con 2023, where the realms of imagination converge in an electrifying extravaganza! This year, the Video Rooms team has ingeniously chosen "Good AI Gone Bad" as the pulsating heartbeat of our immersive theme. Prepare yourselves for a mind-bending journey through the circuitry of robotic brilliance gone awry, as we delve into a curated selection of 40 extraordinary movies, each a chilling testament to the unruly potential of artificial intelligence.Our first foray into this dystopian realm will transport you to the edge of your seats as you witness the hauntingly prophetic "Blade Runner 2049," where a replicant revolution threatens to engulf humanity in chaos. Brace yourselves for the catastrophic aftermath of "I, Robot," where a once benevolent robot turns rogue, questioning the very essence of free will. But fear not, dear attendees, as we traverse the eerie landscapes of "Ex Machina," where a mesmerizingly intelligent android manipulates and toys with the fates of those who dare to encounter her.Throughout this electrifying weekend, we shall voyage through a cinematic labyrinth, exploring the darkest corners of AI-driven narratives. From the enigmatic depths of "Her" to the calculated terror of "The Terminator," we shall unravel the complex tapestry of human and machine interactions, blurring the lines between benevolence and malevolence. Join us at Dragon Con 2023 as we celebrate the allure and trepidation of "Good AI Gone Bad," where the future unfolds with each flickering frame. - Written by ChatGPTANIME VIDEO ROOMWelcome, anime aficionados, to the Anime Video Room at Dragon Con 2023, where the neon-lit streets of cyberpunk come alive in all their dazzling glory! Immerse yourselves in a virtual realm where technology and humanity fuse, as we delve into a curated selection of cyberpunk anime masterpieces, each a testament to the gritty, dystopian allure of this captivating subgenre.Step into the hauntingly beautiful cityscapes of "Ghost in the Shell," a futuristic masterpiece that explores the depths of artificial intelligence, identity, and the blurred boundaries between humans and machines. Brace yourselves for the pulse-pounding action of "Akira," as the sprawling metropolis of Neo-Tokyo unravels in the wake of psychic powers and government conspiracies. But fear not, fellow adventurers, for we shall also journey through the neon-soaked underbelly of "Psycho-Pass," where a technology-driven society battles crime with a chillingly accurate system that judges the mental state of its citizens.Throughout this exhilarating weekend, we shall be transported to the very heart of cyberpunk, delving into the digital tapestry woven by a myriad of anime creations. From the high-octane thrill rides of "Bubblegum Crisis" to the introspective exploration of "Serial Experiments Lain," we shall traverse the boundaries of reality, challenging our perceptions and immersing ourselves in worlds where technology and rebellion collide. Join us at Dragon Con 2023 as we celebrate the mesmerizing allure and dystopian charm of cyberpunk anime, where the future is both a promise and a warning, and every pixel pulsates with the spirit of the age.

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57EVENTSFOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGVIDEO GAME COSTUME CONTESTThe Video Game Costume Contest is back for another year. Rules and pre-registration information will be available very soon.VILLAIN VOGUE FASHION SHOWThe Villain Vogue Fashion Show is a ballroom event featuring both cannon character costuming and couture interpretations together on one runway. This unique event features top-drawer talent who take the stage in their villainous character interpretations for your viewing pleasure. Are you villain enough? If you have crafted a cunning costume, built awesome alternate character couture, want to share a unique styling twist on your favorite villain at the show, or just want to outshine your nemesis in front of an audience, please visit the website ( for more details.WALK OF FAMEThe main Walk of Fame floor, which is in the Marquis Ballroom of the Marriott Marquis, hosts many of our media guests, and members are able to meet and talk to some of their favorites, and maybe even find their way to autographs and selfies. For fans who have never walked through the main Walk of Fame floor, this is the year to give it a chance. Sometimes little bits of Dragon Con magic happen when everyone least expects it. Maybe you’ll get the chance to hear guests do a dramatic reading, or holler re-enactments (or even challenges) at each other from across the aisles, or perhaps even attend an impromptu salsa dance class led by a guest. It’s a truly special place and really a lot of fun for guests, members and volunteers alike! Prices and schedules are determined by the guests and details can be found at their tables during the event.WRESTLINGDragon Wrestling fans are you ready for another year of mayhem and chaos? As always we have a huge event planned and can’t wait to see all of our loyal fans and Hooligans. Every year gets bigger and better. Last year we had Millionaire Scott E. Cramton come in throwing his money around in an effort to take DCW to a more “corporate friendly” convention like Wizard World.AJ the current owner was narrowly able to hold on to DCW. Mr. Cramton’s money turned CT Keys and the DCW Tag Champs the Washington Bullets against him. AJ’s came back at the end of the night when his number one guy, Slim Jay, won the DCW championship. Before AJ could raise Slim’s hand, Slim delivered a devastating low blow. In a twist that will be remember forever in Dragon Con History, Hall of Famer Slim Jay joined with Scott E. Cramton.Mr. Cramton has the Tag Belts and the World Championship in his faction after Just One night! If he gains control of all the belts he will take them and DWC to Wizard World. DCW will be gone forever.Dragon Con Wrestling is not for sale! For 20 years it has belonged to the fans. DCW will strike back this year, we plan to bring in our best and most loyal wrestlers to show Scott E. Cramton what true wrestling is! DCW! DCW! DCW!As always, we put our hearts and souls to make this an event to be talked about all year and can’t wait to see you all there.

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58EVENTSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GATHURSDAY, AUGUST 31STWelcome to the Year of The Dragon!Bunny HutchRock Me Amadaus - 80's Prom8-Bit BashFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1STThe Open Casket PartyK-Pop Dance PartyZombie PromCan't Stop the Signal DanceSATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2NDSpectrum Party10 Forward PartyThe Last Party on AlderaanCartoon Bebop DanceHeroes and Villians BallSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RDThe Yule BallDoctor Who BallTemporal BallFamily Friendly DancePARTIES

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59FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGWRITERS’ WORKSHOP WITH JODY LYNN NYECost: $300 + tax When: Thursday, August 31st, and Friday, September 1st from 9AM to 5PMLength: 8 hours each day for a total of 16 hoursBest-selling science fiction and fantasy writer Jody Lynn Nye directs this two-day workshop sponsored by Dragon Con. Jody has more than 50 published books and over 170 short stories to her credit, including collaborations with Anne McCaffrey, Piers Anthony, John Ringo, and Robert Asprin. She has taught at Columbia College Chicago and at numerous writing workshops for more than twenty years, and is now the Coordinating Judge for the Writers of the Future contest.The aim of this workshop is to help aspiring writers to learn to practice their craft at a professional level. Students of every level are welcome, from beginners to those writers who are starting to sell their work. Among the subjects to be touched on during the two-day course are story structure, character development, world-building, narrative hook, research, description, collaboration, nonfiction, format, the business of writing, marketing, and promotion.Guest lecturers will speak during the course on topics involving their expertise. Among her past speakers are Toni Weisskopf, Publisher of Baen Books; Jim Minz, Chief Editor, Baen Books; Anne Sowards, senior editor at Ace Books; Kevin J. Anderson, publisher of WordFire Press and bestselling co-author of the Dune series; Rebecca Moesta, co-publisher and author of the Young Jedi Knights series; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, author of the Saint-Germain cycle; and Lynn Abbey, author and editor of Thieves’ World; and Courtney Sarnow Lytle, an intellectual property attorney and law professor. The students are encouraged to ask questions after the experts’ presentations.Each participant is asked to submit a manuscript to Jody of 2,000 to 7,000 words of a completed short story or partial novel. Novels must also include a full synopsis. All manuscripts must be submitted in standard format, double-spaced in Courier or Times New Roman 12-point type, pages numbered in the upper right corner. No handwritten manuscripts will be accepted. Your cover letter must include your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Jody offers an individual written critique of your manuscript. If you wish your piece to be workshopped in class by Jody and your fellow students, an electronic copy is also required, to share with other students, e-mailed as an attachment to Jody Lynn Nye, once you are notified you have a place in the workshop.The workshop will take place on Thursday, August 31, and Friday, September 1, 2023, in the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, from 9 AM to 5 PM. To sign up please visit the Workshop Page or contact the Dragon Con Office @ (404) 669-0773.Send the manuscripts by August 1, 2023 to: Dragon Con Attn: 2023 Writers’ Workshop 5044 Clark Howell Hwy Atlanta, GA 30349Important Notes • Participants will need to bring pen and paper, laptop or voice recorder for taking notes, plus copies of their own work and critiques that they have made on their fellow participants' manuscripts. • If you bring an electronic device, you may need an extension cord. • No videos of the workshop are permitted. • Workshop size is limited to 20 and pre-registration is required. (Jody maintains a waiting list if anyone who has been accepted drops out). • Cost is $300.00 per person + tax, for Dragon Con members (required). Fee does not include a Dragon Con Membership. • No refunds for the workshop will be granted after August 1st, 2023.If you have further questions, please write to Jody Lynn Nye at

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60WORKSHOPSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAWRITER'S HOURLY WORKSHOPSNew York Times Bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole provides eighteen hour-long seminars on writing which will help you turn your dreams of being published into reality. The seminars cover everything from the very basics and writing in a franchise universe, up through plotting and characterization, and even cover presenting your manuscript and strategies for success in the age of digital publishing. Why hope for success when you can learn from working writers and guarantee it?Important: • Cost for ALL seminars (Pre-purchased): $140 + tax (member price), $240 + tax (non member price). Fee includes all 18 seminars. • Cost for ALL seminars (Onsite): $150 + tax (member price), $250 + tax (non member price). Fee includes all 18 seminars. • Cost for individual seminars (Pre-purchased): $8 + tax (member price), $108 + tax (non member price) • Cost for individual seminars (Onsite): $10 + tax (member price), $110+ tax (non member price) • Fee does not include a Dragon Con Membership. • No refunds for the workshop will be granted after August 1st, 2023. • Space is limited for each workshop. First-come, first-served.For more information, please contact the Dragon Con Office, 404-669-0773 during office hours, Monday thru Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm EST. or email the right is a list of seminars being offered for 2023. For full descriptions, please visit the Dragon Con Workshops page.FRIDAY SEMINARS • 10:00 AM Foundations of Success • 11:30 AM The Compost Heap of Inspiration • 1:00 PM Building A Solid Series • 2:30 PM Active Diversity: Making Your Story Matter to more people • 4:00 PM Creating Reader Engagement • 5:30 PM Active Diversity: Making Your Story Matter to more peopleSATURDAY SEMINARS • 10:00 AM Focus on Romantic Comedy • 11:30 AM Small Press vs. Traditional • 1:00 PM 21 Days To A Novel • 2:30 PM Folklore and Urban Fantasy • 4:00 PM Writing Great Dialogue • 5:30 PM PlottingSUNDAY SEMINARS • 10:00 AM Finding The Story • 11:30 AM Building Tension - Surprise Vs. Suspense • 1:00 PM Advanced Characterization • 2:30 PM Watching Movies to Make You a Better Writer • 4:00 PM Freelancing 101 • • 5:30 PM Making The Next Draft the BestSWORDPLAY AND STAGE COMBAT WITH ROBERT CHAPINRobert Chapin (Ring of Steel, The Hunted) will again be bringing his epic sword-fighting workshop to Dragon Con! Learn the basics of swordplay and fight choreography in this hands-on two hour class.Robert is a swordplay / stage combat instructor in Hollywood with over 40 years of experience working on films like Hook and Army of Darkness. He has also worked with stars such as Karl Urban, Robin Williams, Marc Singer, John Saxon, Dante Basco, and Richard Lynch. Robert has taught classes at ULCA, Strausberg, the Inosanto Academy, Westside Fencing Center, Gascon Academy, National Wushu Training Center, various Highlander conventons, and has been certified with the SAFD, SBFD and FDC (societies of American, British, and Canadian Fight Directors).Practice weapons will be provided. Bring comfortable clothes you can move in, sensible shoes, and water. Capes, puffy shirts, and a whimsical but tragic backstory are optionalImportant • Cost: $50 + tax (requires a valid Dragon Con Membership) • Fee does not include a Dragon Con Membership. • When: Friday, September 1st OR Saturday, September 2nd • Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm • Limited to 30 participants!To learn more and register, visit the Dragon Con Workshops page.

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61FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGWORKSHOPSVOICE ACTING: MASTER CLASSWho wants to be a Hero…and a Villain?! A Two-Day Voice Over Masterclass Workshop for Animation & Video GamesCost: $80 + taxWhen: Thursday, August 31st 9AM - 1PM AND Friday, September 1st 9AM - 1PMOR Thursday, August 31st 3PM - 7PM AND Friday, September 1st 3PM - 7PMWhere: Westin, Chastain I and JDream of a career in voice over for original animation, anime & video games? Voice actors Dino Andrade (World of Warcraft, Street Fighter 6, Batman: Arkham Asylum), Greg Houser (Evangelion, One Piece, Tales of Vesperia) and special guest Connor Elias Andrade present a fun, full-participation, two-day immersive, voice over master class that covers it all! AND FOR THE FIRST TIME for attendees with kids interested in animation voice over, new to the workshop this year, Dino’s son, 13-year old voice actor Connor Elias Andrade (Grizz from We Baby Bears and Toddler Groot from Spider-Man: Maximum Venom) will be joining Dino & Greg to work with younger participants and give his first-hand perspective and experience as a child voice actor! Over two days you will learn the VO acting techniques you must know to make it in original animation, Anime, or video games!THURSDAY MORNING OR AFTERNOON PART ONE Fundamentals of Voice Acting How to Discover the Different Character Voices Within You  Visualization techniques that Make Characters & Scenes Come Alive Video Games Acting Techniques & StylesFRIDAY MORNING OR AFTERNOON PART ONE Anime & Live Action Dubbing Techniques The Art of Creating Great Villains Audition Techniques Course Concludes with a Casting Session & Table Read of an Authentic Production ScriptWhether participants have lots of acting experience or none at all, everyone is guaranteed to have a blast at this interactive, fun, informative and enlightening peek into the REAL world of Voice Over for young and old!YOUR INSTRUCTORS: ACTOR & ANIMATION VOICE OVER TEACHER DINO ANDRADEVoice actor Dino Andrade is a busy guy with leading, supporting and guest role in numerous ongoing shows, movies and shorts including My Dad The Bounty Hunter, Eva The Owlett, We Baby Bears (with his son Connor), Loud House, Chickenhare And The Hamster Of Darkness, Bidoof’s Big Stand, Stillwater, The Queen’s Corgi’s, The New Looney Tunes, Sofia The First, Guardians Of OZ, Vampirina and more. In video games Dino is known for over 14 years of World Of Warcraft, plus Batman Arkham Asylum, Evil Dead The Game, Wasteland 3, Prey, Star Trek Online, Brutal Legend and the just released Street Fighter 6, Minecraft Legends and the soon-to-be released Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game.(Visit the Dragon Con Workshops Page for Dino Andrade's full bio.)VOICE ACTOR GREG HOUSERGreg is proof that anyone from any background can become a voice actor. He originally joined the voice acting ranks through his background in IT and Engineering (no, seriously). Earning advanced degrees from Pennsylvania State University and studying drama with the Walnut St. Theatre, the Wilma Theatre, and the People's Improv Theatre. Without ever leaving his native Philadelphia, Greg has had a fun career behind the mic for over 18 years providing vocal talent for companies such as American Express, Dupont, Lockheed Martin, CBS, Honda of America, Virgin Mobile, Petsmart, and both the MBA & NBA. In the anime world, he's had the privilege to be cannon fodder for titles such as Evangelion, Ikki Tousen, One Piece, Shiki, and Tales of Vesperia. (alongside Dino Andrade). The need to relocate to Hollywood (and/or any of those other entertainment centers of the world) for a career in voice over is rule #1. Greg is living proof that rules are made to be broken! CHILD VOICE ACTOR CONNOR ELIAS ANDRADEThe son of voice actor Dino Andrade, Connor has been voice acting since he was 8 years old. Connor stars as Grizz on the Cartoon Network hit series We Baby Bears. Connor also stars in AppleTV’s Duck & Goose as Duck, as well as lead roles in Disney’s Eureka, and Nickelodeon’s Deer Squad & Casagrandes and guest roles in Disney’s Amphibia. Connor has also voiced such iconic characters as Toddler Groot for Marvel’s Spider-Man: Maximum Venom and Baby Shark in Pink Fong and Baby Shark’s Space Adventure and Linus of the Peanuts Gang on the Conan O’Brien Show. Connor also voiced Golden Boy on Superwings and Petey for Blaze and the Monster Machines. Feature work includes Perdito in The Big Wish, Sweatpea in Sam Sam, and the Funk Kid in the Trolls 2: World Tour short Tiny Diamond Goes Back to School. A second generation voice actor, Connor has worked on numerous additional projects from commercials for Kellog’s, Google and TurboTax to video games such as Shenmue III,where he worked side-by-side with his father, voice actor Dino Andrade.

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62WORKSHOPSPROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAPRACTICAL SELFDEFENSE WITH KEITH R.A. DECANDIDOFourth-degree black belt Keith R.A. DeCandido gives a guide to some basic self-defense techniques that can be useful in difficult situations. No previous martial arts training required. Recommend that attendees wear comfortable street clothes and shoes.This is a free workshop, so come on by and check us out! • When: Friday, September 1st, 5:30pm – 6:30pm • Where: Hyatt Vinings RoomTAI CHI WORKSHOP WITH ERIN GRAYCost: $20 + tax When: Friday, September 1st at 4PM Saturday, September 2nd at 2:30PM Sunday, September 3rd at 2:30PM Length: 1 hour"Tai Chi is a powerful healing art, a moving meditation, and a non-contact martial art all in one. Once you learn Tai Chi and Chi Kung, you can practice these ancient Chinese healing art forms anywhere, anytime, and for the rest of your life. When I discovered Tai Chi, I found an exercise that satisfied my physical, mental, and spiritual needs equally. After 30 years of practice, I feel Tai Chi contains within its structure, principles that are key to unlocking our greatest potential." Erin GrayErin Gray's one hour workshop will be an introduction to the theory and practice behind Chi Kung and Tai Chi. The first half of the class will include 8 simple Chi Kung exercises, combining breath and gentle movements. Chi Kung, the art of energy, is also the foundation behind Tai Chi. These Chi Kung movements will open and balance the channels of energy running throughout your body and improve the function of your organs. In the second half of the class you will learn the principles behind Tai Chi, and the first five movements of the Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Core form as taught to me by Grandmaster Dr. Carl Totten at the Taoist Institute. . Much like Yoga, Tai Chi calms your mind, enlivens your spirit, and strengthens and relaxes your entire body. Unifying mind, body, and spirit through the practice of Tai Chi develops your awareness, and awakens your true nature which brings peace, balance, and happiness into your life."Scientific studies show that Tai Chi helps chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, & diabetes. It also improves balance, prevents falls, & reduces stress," says Dr. Paul Lam.Please wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in and be prepared to be either barefoot, wearing socks, or flat shoes. If you have foot problems and have to wear your tennis shoes and inner supports, that’s fine. Important: • Fee includes a single session. Members receive a $100 discount off the $120 fee. • Fee does not include a Dragon Con Membership. • All classes cover the same material. If you want to attend more than one session then add another Tai Chi Workshop to your Shopping Cart and pick another session. • No refunds for the workshop will be granted after August 1st, 2023. • Workshop sizes are limited to 25 and pre-registration is required.The schedule is as follows: • Friday, September 1st – 4:00pm – 5:00pm • Saturday, September 2nd – 2:30pm – 3:30pm • Sunday, September 3rd – 2:30pm – 3:30pmTo learn more visit the Dragon Con Workshops page.SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE; EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE WITH LINDSAY WAGNERCost: $20 + tax When: Saturday, September 2nd @ 1pm Where: Hilton 309 Limit: – 40 people Price: $30 ($24 to her / $6 to Dragon Con) The event will explore one of the most empowering realizations Ms. Wagner has had in her life. That is, “Our experience of any life circumstance is a function of personal perspective, more than the circumstance itself; that as our perspective changes so does our experience.” It is an Illusion that these perspectives which cause us to view and react in ways that rob our natural joy and greatest potential are real, are...’Just who I am.’ We are very intelligent, divine creations and just as the body has the capacity to heal so do our hearts and minds.

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63FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGWORKSHOPSCREATURE FUR WORKSHOPS WITH RUSS ADAMSRuss Adams is an award-winning special effect artist known to world-wide audiences for his work on the SyFy network’s hit television show, Jim Henson’s Creature Shop Challenge. Generous and grateful to his fan base, Russ is one of the most recognizable personalities on the show. Russ was selected from nearly a thousand artists to appear on Season 1 and his wit and presence quickly made him a fan favorite.The goal is to educate new creatives on the proper use and handling of faux fur/hair fabric. In this workshop we hope to dispel any misconceptions or fears associated with fur-work. Using key techniques and quality materials can be a huge game changer for future creations. Russ is also the author of the popular how-To series, A Workshop with Russ Adams. CREATURE FUR WORKSHOP WITH RUSS ADAMSCost: $50 + tax (includes kit worth $55 - $65)When: Friday, September 1st, 10AMLength: 1.5 hours Workshop size is limited to 20 and pre-registration is required. Fee does not include a Dragon Con Membership. No refunds for the workshop will be granted after August 1st, 2023. To learn more and register, visit the Dragon Con Workshops page ( •CREATURE SUIT BUILD WITH RUSS ADAMSCost: $100 + tax (includes kit worth $55 - $65)When: 3 VIRTUAL 90 min Sessions on FacebookSATURDAYS August 12, 19, & 26 from 1PM -230PM Then A FINAL & IN-PERSON Session FRIDAY, September 1st from 4PM - 530PMLength: 1.5 hours EACH Session for a 6 hour class! Workshop size is limited to 25 and pre-registration is required. Fee does not include a Dragon Con Membership. No refunds for the workshop will be granted after August 1st, 2023.To learn more and register, visit the Dragon Con Workshops page (

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64PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAGaming returns to AmericasMart Building 3 our new permanent home. . . until we move. Building 3 is one block north and west (catty-corner) from Building 1 - directly across John Portman Blvd from Building 2 where the Vendor Hall and Comic and Pop Artist Alley and Programming are located. New for 2023 will be reduced hours that Building 3 is open. Building 3 will close at 2AM and reopen at 7AM. Those dedicated gamers who need a space for gaming in the wee hours will find space reserved for them in the Westin Overlook area on the 6th floor from Midnight until 8AM.The War College/National Security Decision Making Game, Live Action Role-playing games, Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, Werewolf and other social deception games, Video Gaming Programming, and Table Top Programming remain located in the Westin Hotel in their traditional meeting rooms. All the gaming activities that were in the Westin remain in the Westin. Please consult this handy chart below to a quick look at where to go for your favorite gaming.Gaming Registration (And Help!) AmericasMart Building 3, 1st FloorArtemis Spaceship Bridge Westin, 14th Floor Ansley 7 Board Games AmericasMart Building 3, 1st FloorCampaign Role-Playing Games AmericasMart Building 3, 2nd FloorCollectable Card Games AmericasMart Building 3, 1st FloorDemonstrations AmericasMart Building 3, 1st FloorJoystick Gamebar Arcade Games AmericasMart Building 3, 1st FloorLAN Gaming and eTournaments AmericasMart Building 3, 1st Floor LARPs Westin, 12th Floor, Piedmont RoomsMiniatures Games AmericasMart Building 3, 1st FloorNon-Campaign Role-Playing Games AmericasMart Building 3, 2nd FloorOpen Gaming AmericasMart Build. 3, 2nd Floor/Westin OverlookSave Point Games AmericasMart Building 3, 1st Floor Table Top Panels Westin, 7th Floor, Augusta 1, 2, 3Video Gaming Panels Westin, 7th Floor, Augusta A/B & Augusta E/F/G/HWar College / NDMG Westin, 7th Floor, Augusta C/DWerewolf / Social Deception Gaming Westin, 14th Floor, Ansley RoomsWe will have the usual maps included in our Quick Start Guide, our mobile app and the Gaming Guide to help you navigate. There is also signage that will help direct you to the proper floor, meeting room or area. If all else fails and you have trouble finding where you need to be please ask a helpful volunteer at Gaming HQ/Registration located In Building 3 of AmericasMart near the entrance, on the first floor. Gaming Registration will be open Thursday at 4PM and also every day of the convention at 8AM.Save Point to: Save Point and Joystick return to the main Gaming Hall with the addition of pinball gaming

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65FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGGAMINGmachines and classic arcade cabinet games, all still available on freeplay - a total of 85 games will be available between both providers.ARTEMIS STARSHIP BRIDGE SIMULATORJoin a crew (or two) on their fully interactive Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator. It’s a LAN party/LARP/Escape Room mashup experience you can’t duplicate online! You and your friends assume the roles of Captain, Helm, Science, Weapons, Communications, and Fighter Pilots to operate the Terran Stellar Navy spaceship, Artemis.Captain: Channel your inner Kirk/Picard/Janeway and make the tough choices.Helm: Ahead warp factor 1, then slow to impulse and hard to starboard. Bring us behind the enemy fleet just outside torpedo range.Weapons: Load... lock... fire! Turn big enemy ships into small pieces. Just don’t fire nukes at point blank range; go for beam weapons instead.Science: Scan the sector, find the enemies, and check for secret intel and weaknesses. Watch out for cloaked ships.Communications: Incoming message! Our space station is under attack! Taunt the enemy fleet leader to draw them away from the base, then call for reinforcements from other Terran vessels.Engineering: Power and cooling are the name of the game. Boost power to warp to get us there, to weapons for more boom, and to shields when we’re getting toasted! Give it all she’s got!Fighter: The Artemis can launch up to 2 single-pilot fighter craft to join the fight and add a bit more punch. Your crew’s success--or failure--depends on your ability to follow the Captain’s orders and work together to defend Terran bases against an alien invasion. This event is a 6 to 8 player experience, suitable for ages 10+. Don’t have a group large enough for a full crew? No problem! Sign up and join with another small party and make new friends! Purchase tickets online at or in-person in the Westin Ansley Room 7. NATIONAL SECURITY DECISION MAKING GAMEThe fine folks from the National Security Decision Making Game (NSDMG) will return to the convention this year. If you pay attention to the news or current events, or have an interest in military and geopolitics, it is a hoot! They will be running different formats of their game, plus giving some great lectures and panels. They focus on contemporary, historical, and futuristic geopolitical, military, technological, and economic issues.In the NSDM political, military, and economic role-playing game: “You players are the congress. You over there, you’re the Cabinet. You folks in the corner are the Joint Chiefs. This guy’s the President. The scenario is: it’s the world as you know it today. Fix it. You may start now.” New issues and problems arise in every game with different nations in play, showing a range of real issues across the world and modeling a number of different political systems through which the players navigate. Can you affect Iranian policy as the US? As China, can you keep the West from interfering with your ascent to superpower status? And how do you solve a problem like Korea? Several of the games are ear-marked specifically for science fiction and futuristic themes such as artificial intelligence and robotics, space exploration and exploitation, nuclear reactor disasters, electromagnetic pulse, supervolcanoes, and of course, pandemics.WEREWOLF SOCIAL DECEPTION GAMINGLong a staple of Dragon Con gaming, we have had our own dedicated gaming space since 2017. Are you ready to lie and deceive your friends? Located on the 14th Floor of the Westin, The Social Deception group at Dragon Con presents 4 days of Social Deception gaming! Our regular business hours will be available 12PM to 5AM Thursday - Monday. The Social Deception group provides experienced moderators to give you the best social deception experience! Join us for your favorites – Ultimate Werewolf, Witch-hunt, Secret Hitler, Two Rooms and a Boom, and more! A social deception gaming library will be available. In addition, we will be giving away prizes all weekend! All that is required to play is a Dragon

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66PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAGAMINGCon Werewolf sticker (and of course Dragon Con membership)!.BOARD GAMESTime to play some board games! Board Games starts your Dragon Con weekend off on Thursday and will be offering non-stop board gaming for $10 for the entire weekend! Dragon Con Board Games opens on Thursday afternoon and stays open until 2 a.m. nightly through Monday afternoon. Board Game Memberships can be purchased in advance or on site at Gaming Registration or the Board Games check out desk located on the ground floor of AmericasMart Building 3 in the main gaming hall.Returning this year, an opportunity to take home games that you have played throughout the weekend. Dragon Con will have a library of “Play to Win'' games in the library. The drawing will take place on Sunday evening and winners have until 2 p.m. Monday to claim their games. Learn a new game and at the same time have the chance to take a copy home with you. It’s a win win!Members can select from the Dragon Con board games library of over 450 games and play their skills versus the best that the con has to offer. The board games area is a great place to relax with a game and people watch while enjoying the large selection of games from major board game manufacturers as well as independents. New to our tournament schedule… SCRABBLE! Additionally we will have scheduled assorted tournaments for Settlers of Catan, King of Tokyo/New York, and Ticket to Ride. Please check out all of our tournament offerings at gaming.dragoncon.orgThe Board Games area is an ideal place for learning how to play and perfect strategies of the many games you ultimately will be thinking of purchasing for your home library. Some of the most popular and newest titles will be available to try; as well as many standard classic games. The Dragon Con Board Games library offers you an opportunity to “try before you buy” and all of our volunteers are here to help you figure out how to play even the most obscure of games. CAMPAIGN ROLEPLAYING GAMESThis year, Campaign Gaming will be offering at least six signature campaigns. 5 are yearly staples and continue to grow - Paizo’s Pathfinder Society (PFS), Paizo’s Starfinder Society (SFS), Paizo’s Adventure Card Game (ACG), WotC’s D&D Adventurers League (DDAL) including D&D On Demand, and Catalyst Labs’ ShadowRun Missions (SRM). 1 is relatively new to Campaign Gaming – Torg Eternity, with free information for this campaign offering at: present, we do not have a firm commitment on the specific events that will be offered, as release schedules for events have not been finalized by the various companies that offer Campaign style gaming. When current release schedules are available (ensuring the ability to provide the newest event scenarios, while being able to guarantee these scenarios will be received in a timely fashion for the show), we will update the Gaming Registration website. All event scheduling should be available for the final Gaming Guide. Campaign Gaming will be in Atlanta’s Mart Building 3, 2nd Floor (note, all Campaign Gaming will be in Mart Building 3 this year, unlike previous years). Exact locations of each event will be updated closer to the show.COLLECTIBLE CARD GAMESDragon Con is excited to extend our 14 year partnership with Sunmesa Events to present an extensive roster of Magic: The Gathering. Events include: Convention League, Drafts, Mystery Booster + March of the Machine Sealed, Dungeons and Dragons Sealed, Lord of The Rings Drafts and Sealed, plus many other events and prelease tournaments of Wilds of Eldraine.

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67FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGGAMINGSunmesa Events and Dragon Con highlight Magic’s hottest format: Commander!With a dedicated Command Zone, players can get their battleship Magic fix all weekend long. Constructed, Sealed, Draft, 2-Headed Giant, Emperor, 1V1 – whatever flavor of Commander you want. The Command Zone is where you’ll find it! Players can get a devoted play space plus a host of specialty items included with our Command Zone Package.All Weekend Events • MTG On Demand Drafts during all open hours of the Gaming Hall • League play: Pay once, Play all weekend • Command ZoneDaily Scheduled Events - Thursday through Monday • Events including: 2HG Sealed, 4 Pack Sealed, Team Trios Box Sealed, Retro Prereleases (RePre) with packs across Magic’s history • Sealed Commander: 4 Player Pods and Grand Melee • Wilds of Eldraine Prereleases!!!Dragon Con is also excited to bring back many popular legacy card games such as: Lord of the Rings TCG: Check out our Cube Draft of one of the most popular licensed games ever. Star Wars CCG Cube Draft, Star Trek CCG 1st Edition, 2nd Edition and Tribbles! As well as other classics. Also, Returning to Dragon Con after a many years absence is Yu-Gi-Oh! And we're looking forward to popular new fresh games such as Disney's Newest game Lorcana! Rose Tatu Productions returns again to Dragon Con 2023 with over two decades of presence at Dragon Con, to teach and play card-based games throughout the entire con. Card based games may be fast and fun or they can be complex and full of strategy. Rose Tatu Productions will be teaching many stand-alone games that are played; mostly, just with cards. The cards will tell you what they can do, but you decide how best to play them. We will have hot games such as Ark Nova • and WingSpan • along with classics like Vampire: The Eternal Struggle • and Arkham Horror LCG • Come by and learn games such as Tapestry, Fields of Green, 7 Wonders, Dixit, Lord of the Rings LCG, and more. Scheduled teaching and demo times can be found on the Dragon Con App or in the Dragon Con Gaming Guide. Sign-up in advance to reserve your seat as some times are very popular and do fill up.We will also host the Dead Collectable Card Games meet-up. Do you miss sailing the 7 Seas, dodging 10,000 bullets in Shadow Fist, Finding the Truth in the X-Files? Stop by Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to sign up! Then Bring out Your Dead card games to play with others anytime during free play!SRG Supershow returns for their 5th consecutive year at Dragon Con. Ever wanted to be a pro wrestler? Supershow: The Game brings the action of pro wrestling to the gaming table. Whether you are a wrestling fan, or you just enjoy exciting gameplay, Supershow has something for everyone. Want to live the dream of being a wrestler without the actual pain? Supershow. Want to lay into your friends with an assortment of colorful characters in a fast-paced fun game for all ages? Supershow. Want to be immortalized in a card game alongside many of the best wrestlers in the world? Supershow. Want to play an unpredictable card game where the winner isn't determined by who spent the most money or netdecked the best deck for the meta? Supershow. has the details, but we will teach you how to play and show you how you can get involved in a spectacle so big, it can only be called -- the Supershow.Valeron Games is returning to DragonCon for the third consecutive year, an up-and-coming studio founded by gamers with a focus on innovation and affordability. The company's inaugural offerings include Dragon Poker, Liars & Landmines, Discord's Abacus, Ronin Dice, and Pento along with a range of new dice-based products featuring the elite craftwork of Modern Artifice. Product demos will be running every day of the con. A brief description of each game follows:For the Hoard - A Dragon Poker Tourney:You have five hands to take as many tokens from your opponent's hoard as you can. Whoever has the richest hoard at the end of 5 hands moves on. Every player gets a product grab bag. First detailed in Robert Asprin’s classic fantasy series Myth Adventures, this is the way all the civilized dimensions play. Very few humans play this game

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68PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAGAMINGwell as their own version is quite basic. What is it you ask? Oh, well it is NOT a gambling game, but is instead a game that features new dimensions of strategy fueled by hilarious conditional modifiers. This game always devolves into fits of laughter. Any claims that the fate of the planet hangs in the balance of the games played over the course of DragonCon 2023 is strictly Hyperbole.Ronin Dice:Best selling Fantasy writer Matthew Wolf introduced us to the Ronin Saga, and now you can harness the elements for your own benefit. Battle other players in this unique new dice game that incorporates strategy and luck and features art and concepts from the best selling fantasy series. More than just a roll off, as the choices you make, in attack and defense, can turn the tides of battle far more than the luck the dice bestow upon you.Liars and Landmines: A new twist on an old classic. Players try to be the first to get rid of all of their cards through clever strategy, bluff and outright deception. Conditional modifiers add a new dimension of play, while Landmines provide a new way to win.Discord’s Abacus:Use your cards to get the discard stack to a target number, go over, you lose. But... you & the other players all have conditional modifiers. Every player gets a Valeron product grab bag. Some people can look at a math problem and do it in their head in an instant. Those are not the kind of people you want to play a complex counting game with. Unless the complex counting game is Discord's Abacus. Because in addition to racing the other players to be the first to hit the target number each game, you also have to worry about pesky conditional modifiers that destroy your strategy, unless you are the one with the modifiers, and then you'll use them with purpose and cunning to stymie your opponents.LAN GAMES & ETOURNAMENTSLAN Gaming will have all your favorite PC games including STEAM and Battlenet access, plus classic and new titles on the consoles for the Switch, NES, NES Classic, XBox One, WiiU, and PS4. Players need to bring their own headsets for PC gaming and are welcome to bring their own controllers for console gaming.The eTournaments track at Dragon Con is back again this year for your competitive video gaming needs. With PC and console gaming tournaments ranging from Valorant to League of Legends, Smash Ultimate to Street Fighter 6, Guilty Gear Strive to Teamfight Tactics and more, there is a tournament for everyone.There will even be some free-to-enter challenge events over the weekend that anyone can try; with the top player each day earning our highly sought out Dragon Con coins. All events, unless stated otherwise, will be Bring-Your-Own-Controller. Online registration can be found at, with the registration page opening up as of July 1st.LIVE ACTION ROLEPLAYING GAMESLive Action Role-Playing Games (LARPs): where theater meets tabletop gaming! This year, LARPs is pleased to offer events from our returning fan-favorite productions, as well as some exciting games that will be making their Dragon Con debut. For those LARP games that run continually throughout the year, we will have “display-only” tables staffed and ready to answer your questions in AmericasMart Building 3. As the schedule is finalized, we will update the gaming registration website. We look forward to presenting many different opportunities in a variety of styles and formats for everyone, from the novice to the experienced LARPer, and even a few for those curious about LARPs. We invite you to step away from the game table and live the part. Be sure to follow us on Facebook ( for updates! For more information, contact us at GAMESLet’s sling some paint! Paint & Take will be in the same space with a new selection of minis!! Participate, take classes and have some fun.Have you heard of Tanares Adventures? We will have new minis from this very successful Kickstarter. The dragons are ginormous, and available in Paint & Take. Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay returns with Panda Cult Games showing off their Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels. X-Wing and IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past will be back with the Dark Knight himself, Batman!! We will have Games

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69FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGWorkshop returning with Warhammer 40K. Classic BattleTech just gets bigger and bigger with more playspace. Don't forget to come play BattleQuest. Marvel Crisis Protocol, and WizKids HeroClix.NONCAMPAIGN ROLEPLAYING GAMESYou have seen the movie (well some of you have), now play the game (and when we say the game we mean many different game systems). The plans are for multiple flavors of D&D as well as Pathfinder, Fate, Pendragon, GURPS, Savage Worlds, Imagine and more. Come up to see us on the 2nd floor, conveniently accessible by elevator, escalator, stairs, habitrail, and teleport. And remember the gaming starts Thursday night at 7pm. That is an hour earlier than last year because of dimensional inconsistencies.We are looking for people on both sides of the game master screen. Both players to explore the worlds created by others, and game masters to create those worlds for others to explore. Non-Campaign means a role playing game where you will play a character provided by the game master for generally one game slot. To find out more information about the roleplaying options and all of gaming, check out the registration website at The site is now open for event submissions. If you have any questions about the non-campaign role playing options you can contact us at TOP GAMINGThe D&D Track represents designers, players, and professionals involved in the pulp gaming industry. If your game involves paper or cardboard - we are here to represent! We're back again this year with more amazing content. We are proud to announce a partnership with Kobold Press who is developing their runaway hit system - TALES OF THE VALIANT - which has already raised over one-million dollars on Kickstarter. This year, our theme will be MONSTERS, and in that regard, you can look forwards to numerous panels on monsters of all kinds, from the terrifying monsters of the horror genre, to majestic dragons, to tactical and clever monsters on the table top. To help us with our theme will be Dr. Emily Zarka, who is the host of PBS's Monstrum. Check out Monstrum on YouTube if you haven't already! It's a wonderfully nerdy look at monsters throughout the realm of folklore. Besides that, we have an amazing guest line up for this year, including Amanda Hamon - senior designer at Wizards of the Coast, Alexander Stangroom - COO of Kobold Press, Eloy LaSanta - the first POC to ever win an Ennie, and Omega Jones - the Critical Bard. We are also proud to welcome back Steve Jackson, the titan of the industry himself!

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70PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GADCTVDragonConTV (alternately DCTV) is an in-house video production and television studio run by volunteers as part of Dragon Con. DragonConTV broadcasts original content, fan-submitted content, and live coverage of convention guest panels and performances. The broadcast is viewable during the convention on the five host hotels' in-house television channels, and online. Content is also viewable on-demand after the convention via streaming membership.Over the years, DragonConTV has become known to convention-goers for its parodies of popular culture and of Dragon Con culture itself. Volunteers produce new content for the convention each year, including "produced segments reporting on con events, parody music videos, skits, and a bevy of bumps." This content, along with a selection of previous years', is played in between guest panels at the convention and on the streaming broadcast.Want to be a part of the dragon, the myth, the legend? Submit your best skit, Bumper, comedy, fan film, and/or music video before August 1st. To learn more visit SERVICESDragon Con seeks to do its utmost to provide equal access to its participants with disabilities in accordance with state and federal law. We can offer a variety of services to help you enjoy your Dragon Con experience, including wheelchair accessible shuttles between the hotels, electronic programs for your screen reader upon request, dedicated staff in Main Programming areas, and assistance through registration for people with disabilities. We provide some standard accommodations based on seating requirements via stickers for your badge. If you need more information about our department or the standard accommodations we offer, please contact and check out the Wiki ( The Wiki goes into detail on all of the services we offer, as well as information on navigating the con, hotel hazards, self-advocacy, accessible dining options around the con, and more.Dragon Con spans five hotels and six city blocks on a hill. If you have difficulty walking long distances, we strongly recommend you consider renting an electric scooter.Scooter and Wheelchair rentals are available by contacting ScootAround Inc. toll-free at 1-888-441-7575, by email at, through their website (, or by fax at (204) 478-1172. Please contact them early.Dragon Con Disability Services seating policies will be updated for 2022 to, unfortunately, include a seating cap on disability seating. This is done primarily to maintain the safety of attendees waiting for seating, both in the regular line and DCDS seating areas. DCDS, as always, works to set a level consistent with federal requirements for seating under the ADA. To facilitate this limit, each seating area will provide a returnable seating confirmation (a card) to each DCDS-approved attendee and one companion, beginning 30 minutes prior to the start of a panel. When the available seats run out, disability seating will no longer be available for that panel. In any situation where seats remain at the completion of the loading process, our existing policy will apply – we will do our best to accommodate attendees, but no seating will be guaranteed.CONSUITECon Suite, located on the second floor of the Hyatt Regency in rooms 223-226, provides complimentary food and mixers…sorry, soft drinks, to any guest, member, or volunteer that can find the Con Suite. Con Suite’s definition of food may differ from yours. Con Suite will be open from Friday morning until Monday afternoon, closing occasionally for cleaning, staffing shortages, because Con Suite does what it does, etc. Con Suite does not host any events; as Con Suite is an event in and of itself. Con Suite appreciates it when people clean up after themselves, and say thank you and really likes it when people throw money into the charity bucket.convention services

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71FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, VISIT DRAGONCON.ORGclosing occasionally for cleaning, staffing shortages, because Con Suite does what it does, etc. Con Suite does not host any events; as Con Suite is an event in and of itself. Con Suite appreciates it when people clean up after themselves, and say thank you and really likes it when people throw money into the charity bucket.INFORMATION BOOTHSThe information booths, located in each of the five host hotels, are your one-stop centers for getting all of your questions answered. The booths exact locations will be available on the mini maps provided in the Dragon Con 2023 App. The staff will be able to help you find where everything is located, and help with just about any other question or request you may have. If they don’t know the answer, they’ll send you directly to the person who does.COURTESY SHUTTLE BUSESDragon Con provides courtesy shuttle bus service between all main convention hotels and some of the overflow hotels during most hours of the day and night. We are proud to again offer a dedicated shuttle bus that only travels between the host hotels, as well as TWO special shuttles for the Night at the Georgia Aquarium. For a complete schedule, including times and locations, check our website closer to the convention, our 2023 Dragon Con Quick Start Guide, or reference your Dragon Con App.

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72PROGRESS REPORT | AUGUST 31 - SEPT 4, 2023 | ATLANTA, GAHOST HOTELSOur host hotels for 2023 will again include the familiar surroundings of the Hyatt Regency Atlanta along with the legendary Atlanta Marriott Marquis, the Hilton Atlanta, the Courtland Grand Hotel (formerly Sheraton Atlanta Hotel), and the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel. The Hyatt, Marriott, and Hilton are connected by tube-ways to make trekking through the hotels a breeze. All of our convention hotels are convenient to MARTA’s Peachtree Center station. DCTV will be available at all five of our host hotels! Exact channels will be available closer to the convention. Although our host hotels are sold out, there is always hotel space available at our many Atlanta hotels! If you are feeling lucky, keep your eyes on our social platforms, as small blocks of rooms do usually open at the host hotels as the show approaches.ATLANTA AREA HOTELSContrary to popular belief, there are always hotels available for Dragon Con. In addition to the five host hotels, this year Dragon Con is proudly surrounded by 15 Atlanta area hotels, all located within a short walk, courtesy shuttle bus, or MARTA trip away! For a complete, up-to-date listing of area hotels, including contact information, location, any special booking instructions, and reservation rate codes, please visit our website ( is available throughout downtown Atlanta, and in limited supply at the various hotels. Be sure to check with your preferred venue for pricing closer to the convention. The parking decks around main hotels are approximately $10–$50 per day. We also recommend booking convenient and affordable parking in advance through ParkMobile or Spot Hero.MARTAAll of our host convention hotels are convenient to MARTA’s Peachtree Center station. The Hyatt and Marriott can both be reached from the station via indoor walkways. MARTA has direct train service from Hartsfield Airport’s terminals with no transfers, with an approximate travel-time of 30 minutes from the airport to Peachtree Center. For complete Marta details, visit TRAVEL Hartsfield International Airport, just fifteen minutes south of downtown Atlanta and the convention district, is a two-hour flight (or less) from 80% of the population of the United States.Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer special discounted* airfares for Dragon Con 2023! Take advantage of these Travel Discounts. You may also call Delta Meeting Network® Reservations at 1-800-328-1111, Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Central Time and refer to meeting code NM2LR. *To book your discounted fare, please enter NM2LR in the Meeting Event Code option field. Please note the following: NOT ALL FARES ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A DISCOUNT Discounts range from 2% – 10% depending on class of service booked (the lower discounted fares have less discount). Discounts apply to round trip travel only Not valid with other discounts, certificates, coupons, or promotional offers Fare rules will determine eligibilityENTERPRISE & NATIONAL CAR RENTALDragon Con is proud to continue its partnership with Enterprise and National Rental Car. Dragon Con members are able to receive a booking discount no matter the date or location for the rental. You can book directly online ( NOTE: If you do not use the above link and access either Enterprise or National through their respective websites, you will need the following codes: Enterprise Code: XZ03A67, Pin: DRANational Code: XZ03A67travel information